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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. looks like things ain't bodin well for them.
  2. Not concentrating on the road - totally unaware he is driving straight over a cliff into the Avon Gorge. Good night Ireneeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
  3. Wael finally unveils Rover's new stadium.
  4. Yeh, says the man who follows a team that is like a chain of old "War on Want" shops.
  5. annus horribilis ! or should I say "anus horribilis" (aka Skeletor)
  6. Andy Leaning on a lampost at the corner of the street, In case a certain little lady comes by. Oh me, oh my,
  7. Take a bow Johnson & Co. Played as a team with spirit and commitment - good to see.
  8. Dopey deserves a contract extention .... so that he can take them all the way back down to the Vanarama. But he'll probably get the boot tonight or sometime soon - spoilsports!
  9. Bell End; Dead End; The Six-Finger Stand and The Prowed End
  10. Presumably the Police horse that got smacked in the gob by that rag-n-bone merchant. Why the big obsession with horses and dogs?
  11. Another embarrassing defeat for them - high fives all round for us. High sixes all round for them !
  12. Are they phoning- in and bawling their eyes out on Radio Bristol yet?
  13. "Spread out lads - it'll look like there's 5.000 of us here!"
  14. I hear they were tied up in Notts at Meadow Lane.
  15. As far as I'm concerned they were all bl**dy brilliant - it was a great team effort. Take a bow Johnson et al.
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