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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Never has the term "bullet-header" been applied more appropriately. Flint heads the ball harder than many players kick it.
  2. Three hard-earned points. Good reaction to the poor performance against Leeds last week.
  3. You'll find a hole puncher in most offices. Presumably at the Tentorial Ground office they prefer a horse puncher.
  4. Burton's negativity takes the biscuit. No crumb of comfort in this result for me.
  5. Won't be there for long if the predicted high winds hit this area, Look at the size of the goal - its twice the size of that "stand" - have they no shame? So when the opposing fans now "take their end" - they can literally carry it away .................... and chuck it into the nearest dustbin (oh sorry - that's where it is already!).
  6. Christ! They've managed to construct an exact replica of the Tote End.
  7. Woe, woe and thrice woe Poor old Bristol Woe-vers.
  8. Recent form and results have been much better - Happy Phase!
  9. Hilarious ! What about the awesome "Tent End" and Dopey blubbing (saves money on pitch sprinklers!) when they got relegated from Division Two?
  10. He deserves a Knighthood for that achievement. Arise Sir Darrell!.....and leave that dog alone.
  11. Is it time to change that old time favourite "One for the Bristol City" to "One for the Effin Future" Stay sane by making light of our plight.
  12. Yup, 2,000 of them set off from home alright giving it the billy big b*******s, Unfortunately, 1,800 just ended up strolling furtively around Bristol hoping someone didn't notice them. Nonetheless, somehow 50,000 ended up locked outside the ground. And then the fairy tales started.
  13. Er, no, I don't think so, Keep taking the pills.
  14. Scandalous? That's a bit rich! Careful you don't burst a blood vessel. I think he's right to question how you knew they were Gash-heads. Were they wearing scarves or shirts? Did they give you a secret handshake or do they walk around with one trouser leg rolled up? Did you ask every customer that you served whether they were Gash? Did you identify them by using your Gash-dar? On the other hand, if you noticed they all had six fingers on each hand or if your business provides Care in the Community, you may well be telling the truth.
  15. L L L W L L L - now that should seriously worry anyone in their right mind. Meanwhile at the post-match conference at Ashton Gate after today's defeat..... Messrs Ashton & Lansdown : "Fair enough Lee as you think "we're getting there" we're glad that we extended your contract........would you also like four transfer windows instead of the measly three?" It all too cosy. Stuff the carrot - its time to wave the big stick - before its too late.
  16. Millwall 4 Charlton 5 Chesterfield 6?
  17. Yep me too. November 1966 -the first time that as a young 'un, I came across Millwall in the old East End. To be fair, there was a good number of them. They tended to do a lot more singing than fighting and were therefore less of a menace in those days.
  18. and from the photo it appears only 300 or so made it into the ground .... the other 200 melted away into the background and turned back home after a few Millwall nasties gave them the evil stare. The discrepancy of the other 500 is best explained as just a figment of their imagination.
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