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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Ooooh! O'Neil shoots and....... ...it goes two miles over the bar. Bar? Ah yes, that reminds me, time to pop down the pub.
  2. Gutless and I never thought I'd see the day that a puny bunch like Brighton would out-sing us.
  3. We need John Atyeo... and we need to buck up in the second half or it could be embarrassing.
  4. Intents (sic) atmosphere? Still under 10,000 - they need to canvas more support and make a marquee signing.
  5. What's the 1883? Their highest-ever attendance?
  6. Trashcan? What a load of rubbish! Turd-bucket might be more appropriate.
  7. Late Breaking News on Transfer Deadline Day.... Bristol Rovers announce they have signed.... a contract for another tarpaulin stand to be installed at the Memorial Stadium. Another Marquee signing by Wally Al Maf Na Moni
  8. Oh give 'em a break. We all know there were another 50,000 locked outside,
  9. What only 55,000? - that'll leave 45,000 locked out of each home game. Noticed the SAG shop in Kingswood had to close today - pavement was being dug up to sort out a gas leak - ironic! Today of all days - they could've sold three shirts. Wonder whether the shop manager was singing "The Gas, the Gas.... We Gotta get rid of the Gas!" I hope someome has managed to get a photo.
  10. Did they canvas supporters before choosing the tent? - I suppose it's no longer material. As its made from recycled rags at least it's envionmentally-friendly Ragbag Rovers - never has that moniker been more appropriate than now. It could even be Wally's old desert tent.
  11. I can already hear the Blue Few singing "You'll never take the Tent End" As if anyone in their right mind would want to take that! Mind you, some theivin' scrags might literally take it to flog on E Bay - if they can find a mug willing to pay the £5 asking price.
  12. Brexit = Bristol Rovers exit Brunel Professional Risks Stand? Ironic corporate faux pas!. That flimsy gazebo will collapse as soon as its hit by a wayward shot. Based on their decision to associate their business with this joke of a structure, Brunel Professional Risks are unlikely to attract any new clients and will probably lose existing clients.
  13. Hmm... you just might regret saying that. But I suppose confession is good for the soul.
  14. Yeh you're right. Even inhabitants in the remotest parts of Timbucktu, Irian Jaya, Patagonia and Borneo think you're just a bunch of deluded, in-bred morons. Next you'll be telling us that members of the Intergalactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy have nothing more important to discuss than Sagarama. Compared to you lot Dumb and Dumber are Einsteins.
  15. After Al Qadimodo went to watch Chelsea, he gave Agent Cotterill a suitcase of cash to buy Costa for the Sags.. Cotterill is cracking up - the over-excited bed-wetters haven't realised he's bought them the only Costa they can afford.
  16. Five pillars? Why don't they go the whole hog and introduce the ten commandments:- 1. Thou shalt honour the five pillars 2. Thou shalt not stand 3.Thou shalt not sing 4.Thou shalt not swear 5. Thou shalt not drink up thee cider .... you can fill in the rest yourselves
  17. With our thin squad, the only formation we can play is 1-1-1-1 and no-one on the bench
  18. If they take the 4 o'clock they'll miss the kick off!
  19. It's not just the fact that we dropped two precious points. It's that we dropped them right at the very death.... and that Franchise Dons won so close to the end of their game... and that Huddersfield and Rotherhan trounced their opposition and got 3 points. Those three go into their next games on a high while we travel up to high-flying Burnley (who will be looking to puts things right) on a depressing low. Christ! - after Pack's miss it seemed inevitable that we'd **** it up - and we did! Right now I'd take three points every time, any way we can - no matter how crap we play.
  20. I don't know you and won't insult you. But judging by your comments, if someone gave you a slap or slapped your best mate, I guess you're the sort who'd turn the other cheek. That's very commendable. Each to his own. Yes it was possible to avoid trouble, but unfortunately sometimes people like you got cornered or confronted by opposing mobs looking for easy targets. Often those people who you now condemn stepped in and helped them out. This has got nothing to do with egos.My generation's days are gone. It's just people reflecting on times gone by and setting the record straight. Like some other posters have said, modern football is sterile,bland and suffocating itself. Stadiums are half-empty, the corporate bloaters are having a jolly and fans at Leicester and elsewhere seem pleased they are allowed to play with their happy-clackers - God forbid they sing, shout or wave home-made banners....or worse still shake their fists or .....dare to stand up (the ultimate crime!).
  21. Heh, heh! I seem to have touched a raw nerve. So BCFC never took over the Tote End? You are deluded and in denial. Yeh, you sometimes put up a decent fight, but apart from a few guys that deserve respect, most of you just caved in and fled, often seeking police protection. It wasn't simply a matter of us having greater numbers. Anyway, it will never be proved either way now. If camera phones were around at that time we could easily put this to bed. These are things that happened at football games a long-time back and we ain't going to see them again.
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