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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Its the poor ****ers who have spent their hard earned travelling up to support the Pitiable Circus, that some refer to as Bristol City FC.................who I genuinely feel sorry for. The players who presently represent this City DO NOT deserve the fans who take the time and trouble to follow them...........truly lamentable
  2. It was over when they appointed Cotterill....................sorry couldn't resist it
  3. Hes a muddle headed chancer ............who is fumbling his way through, and we are the ones who suffer
  4. The Board have truly ****ed this club Sky High...........................I can no longer spend money on an inferior product..............we are becoming a very poor and entirely predictable joke
  5. What did anyone expect............Cotterill is a "Chancer Inutile" I will always support my club through thick and thin...........but it was and will prove to be the wrong appointment
  6. Hes afraid that someone who knows that hes NOT REALLY a football manager will creep up behind him and spill the beans.......... Reminds me of a used car salesman anxious not to miss out on a sale..........dodgy wide boy
  7. Maybe with all his money he should headhunt someone who knows how to appoint a football manager........and insist that they ignore any suggestion or input that he (Landsdown that is) may propose?
  8. Bristol............7th Largest city in UK..............the Hub of Football Excellence. By April will have 2 sides in the 3rd Divison. Its beyond embarrassing (what is beyond embarrassing?)
  9. Just what I feared, its early days, and I really hope to be proved 100% wrong.......but Cotterill talks a good game, and likes to blather on, but he really is not the long term solution, and is the wrong manager to have been given a long term contract..........feel free to shoot me down
  10. "We played really well and produced some lovely footballl, it would be difficult for a neutral to know which team was top of the table judged by the standard of football on display............unfortunately we made 5 awful defensive errors...and lost 5-1, but ...................................................................................................."
  11. They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works everytime..........and you mean bollocks, bollucks is a spherical soap
  12. Come on now be realistic.........like everyone else on this thread. The Brettmeister would score a least 50.......I don't think I ever saw him miss a chance?
  13. Going back a bit.......1988 I think.........League Cup Q/F took 2,500 of which i was one........won 1-0 goalscorer could have been Alan Walsh, then went back to my overnight guesthouse for two or a few ....and heard we had Notts Forest in the semis next morning.........good times
  14. That'll probably be Scott Hogan who scored on Saturday..he has been talked up by myself and others on this Forum. He is 21..and a potential Championship player, I would like us to have signed him, but maybe outside our price range..shame, as he is a young up and coming striker who might become very good.
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