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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Um.........I believe the talent was already present in the academy, he just played them in the first team? He wasn't even manager when the trio you refer to signed for us? When you say he created them? He's not Dr Frankenstein ?........... Anyhow, i don't believe so?
  2. Great, I feel so much better......? there's so much to look forward to?
  3. Good idea..............Antoine would make a fine Quarter Back..........I can see it now, The Bemmie Down Jets.?
  4. We must be one of the few football teams in the UK who are under performing so drastically, despite having had the massive advantage of a Multi Millionaire (Billionaire?) owner? ......I bet Steve wishes he had put his money into horse racing?
  5. Your points are well made......however, I was referring to the coming season and not the current one. ?
  6. With a brief look......Luton, Coventry and Huddersfield, seem to have 7 players between them in on loan........which helps when not spending money on transfers..........but as Pearson doesn't believe in loans, that avenue is closed? If Pearson can build a top 10 Championship side without spending any money on transfer fee's, then I will not just take my hat off to him, but also my coat and trousers! Good luck to him, he'll need it?
  7. After 30 years of playing and paying my part, home and away........ I just feel that i am no longer getting value for money. So instead of a season ticket, I will be picking my games for next season. It will be interesting to see how the season ticket sales go?. I appreciate City are going through financial constraints (Aren't we all?) but Pearson stating that we will not be spending any money during the summer, especially when it is quite possible that players may be sold, and percentages may be forthcoming from the selling of ex-players, is misleading and poor PR...........IMHO. As for me spending my money, so the club can be more financially solvent? I have seen enough money squandered by the club I support, during the last 5 years to last me a lifetime? Maybe somebody can give Mark Ashton a bell and see if he's got any spare dosh? ?
  8. That'll get them Queuing round the block for Season tickets.......Great PR from "Chuckle Brother " Pearson? ..... That's a coincidence, because I won't be spending any money either.
  9. "Arty-farty" ?....have you just emerged from a time tunnel from the 1950's? ?
  10. I am sorely missing my favourite podcast, OSIB. I/We need to be told what is occurring? Where are you Stan?..........have you fallen ill, have you become frustrated, and depressed, like most City followers, or just formed a punk band and gone on a European tour? Please Stan, one of your most devoted listeners needs to know? Heres hoping all is well is OSIB land.
  11. Yeah.........whatever you do, for God's sake, don't educate yourself, or try to improve? ............ What lame advice?!! Are you an unemployed careers officer?
  12. Go onto a Photographic educational site, it is all there if your sufficiently interested in improving your photography. Or simply put "Photos, Rule of thirds" into Google, Same applies to "Photographic Composition"..............as the old cliche goes, "It is not Rocket Science" It depends if you want to progress to taking quality photos, or just continue taking bland snapshots? A few tips can make a big difference to your finished pictures......?
  13. Please try not to be so predictable? By dragging out the most obvious cliche that comes to mind? The operative word is IF? I do not have the luxury of spending all day and every day with access to every young coach who breathes air. There are professional sports managenent consultants and specialists who do nothing else but trawl the world to see who is available, who is talented, who is up and coming, who could be the right fit etc. I am not party to such information. Of course there are bright young coaches out there, it's just a question of doing your homework, and finding one. PS. I said coach....not manager.
  14. I obviously have no idea....but i can see Players like Kelly and Webster, and even Brownhill moving, and one at least of Massengo, Semenyo or Scott...............even Weimann leaving. So that will stir the financial pot?
  15. Mmmmm......we will see come November/December of next season if it was the right decision to retain Pearson? As for being hamstrung during the off (Close) season if Pearson should go, I don't quite grasp your logic? However, as Pearson is here, and will be here for at least the next 6/7 months, it's a moot point.
  16. I agree...what is the point in giving Pearson the window, and then getting rid? If it was up to me, I would get rid of Pearson right now, with 6 games left, as we are safe. But that is obviously difficult and problematic? Anyway I would still do it, IF i had a young forward thinking coach lined up, BUT this is Bristol City, so if Pearson walked out of the door tomorrow, the powers that be, would almost certainly have no contingency plan in place............this is Bristol City for pheck sake? When do we ever plan ahead? So Pearson stays, BUT after 12 games we still look disorganised, and retain all the faults and problems that exisisted previously, so what do the Lansdowns do? Bite the bullet, and wait to see if it improves, or realise that we are going nowhere fast, and change the manager? i am just playing devil's advocate here, and looking at the various scenario's that may play out? I sincerely hope that Pearson gets it right in the summer, and to an extent turns things around,... ... even though i do not rate him, and would like him to go, but it is all about the team, and not my personal preferences. The comings and goings, transfers and recruiting will be massive, we just all hope it works out, and that we can watch & enjoy some decent football?
  17. It is a really massive summer for Pearson........he HAS to get it right, City fans deserve better, for their tremendous loyalty and support? With the economic situation and the cost of living biting peoples pockets, fans will want some excitement and value for money. Season ticket sales will almost certainly take a hit, as people prioritise their expenditure, so a massive dose of optimism and expectation is needed close season, and City and Pearson need to deliver? Fans look at Luton and Forest etc, and it is no wonder they get frustrated, when they see the fantastic facilities, infrastructure and potential of our club, and the big mess that we have created on the one place that really counts.............the playing field. We need a plan and positive way forward, so it is absolutely imperative that we wheel and deal in the transfer market, to bring in physically strong talent that has character and ability, and essentially leadership and pride. Pearson has until November/December to get it right, or he will be out of the door IMHO. I wish him well.
  18. Good on you, I would always support anyone who tries to do something creative. It might help if you did a bit of reading, regarding composition, the rule of thirds, and photographic history. You will see a big difference, and it can make the most mundane subject come alive?...............i don't mean this to be patronising, just think it will help?
  19. Just saw the highlights from the El Classico on Football Focus in front of an Incredible 90k fans.........out of the 7 goals, a decent keeper would have saved 5 of them. I am all for women's football, and long may it prosper. But i could never pay to watch it, as it will never, and can never match the men's game. Technically it is very good, but the lack of physicallity, sheer oomph and decent goalkeepers just leaves me bored. In the top men's games, a goal has to be worked for, whereas a half decent long distance lob in the women's game, and your 1 up?
  20. It's a moot point, because of course Mr Gould will now deal with players reps, it just makes me laugh when Pearson states " I never talk to agents, never have done, and never will" while his own contract is negotiated by his agent. I will come clean, ...... I don't like Pearson, and I believe he will ultimately be a failure at City, so I am coming from a position of bias when I criticise a manager who doesn't coach, doesn't believe in the loan system, and likes throwing players under buses. I will always support my club and all the players who represent it......... I just look forward to the day when Pearson is gone.
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