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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. NP, Pearson, Boss, Manager, Yorkshire Git?.................Anything other than Pheckin "Nige". That term, really, really, grinds my gears!
  2. IMHO .........mistake not to start Wells, whilst giving Martin a rest. But Hey what do I know? The proof will be in the result/performance? Prediction......2-0 defeat? Hoping to eat Humble Pie! ?
  3. Is Rob.......Ole? ?.............Well darn my breeches!! He is always my default go to for honest away reviews, which are always far better and more insightful than the party line bollox... Ha! I love OSIB, it is always my favourite of the 3 main podcast's, long may it thrive and continue to be pheckin irreverent, looking forward to episode 300!
  4. I assure you my comments were very much tongue in cheek, however having said that, I would have personally sold the Man Utd tickets and gone to Ewood Park. ........I completely agree with the lack of praise for Cundy being poor management by NP, but he seems to have a history of having his favourites? I am very much on the fence RE: Pearson, and believe that the 3 year contract was a mistake.......but i guess time will tell? Thanks for replying...and continued good luck with the podcast, which i always listen to, when the Mics working Ha!!
  5. Yep it cost me fifty quid..........although that extraordinary missed header didn;t help either?
  6. Don't you just love those Magic Mushrooms? ?
  7. WTF..............With the greatest respect. Why were u watching the most over rated team in the UK?........watched by a crowd with the highest percentage of foreign fans. While your Home City Team were playing 35 miles away? Have u a reasonable excuse? Hmmm! Ha! ?
  8. Anything better than conceding 2 goals or more is an improvement..........how sad is that? Just fortunate that Bereton Diaz is injured.
  9. Surely it's an open and shut case?
  10. That's handy.......i've been looking for somewhere new to get my cocaine ?
  11. If Bournemouth don't go up........and Burnley come down...that may change? Brighton also sold White ,so a big bid may tempt them? I appreciate it is conjecture, but neither you or I have any idea of the state of their respective finances, also the type of contract each of those players have signed? So the statement "Burnley, Bournemouth and Brighton don't need to sale" (Sell?) means nothing.
  12. A Legend in his own Lunchtime...........at least he had the decency to stop sponging?
  13. Wrecking an 18 year old kids confidence is not high up in the the manual of man management? I think the 3 year plan is beginning to look less of a plan, and more like desperation?
  14. He is NOT the Messiah..................He's a very Naughty boy ?
  15. What is the point of Bristol City FC? .....Answers on a postcard please........best explanation gets a looped DVD of NP stating "We are where we are"
  16. There is only one common denominator in regard to our ongoing poor performances?
  17. Sorry as much as i hate to say it? The only possible/logical answer has to be, bad management and poor coaching?
  18. Don't fret...............remember it is a 3 year plan? ?
  19. Not wishing to rub it in, but..............we really are the all talk...No action football team? So many Empty words from Sunday to Friday, and then.............No Empty Net, on Saturday? Hope we win 2-1?
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