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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. When our coach states in his pressie.........(now i know he has to be diplomatic? ) That the position of wing back suits O'Dowda, and he is really on the front foot?..........Then I truly despair ? Having watched the highlights 3 or 4 times.............I have to say that i am embarrassed for O' Leary and O'Doubtful for the first.....and Pring-le for the third ?
  2. Not one of your best.......... .........Next time make sure you plug the charger into the Pork Pie? Really hoping you decide to go for it, rather than not be bothered about it ? At your best, you are by far the most entertaining City podcast......roll on number 200!!
  3. Forest are obviously rolling the dice this season, if they don't go up, they just may have FFP problems? It helps that they have 5 players in on loan, whereas NP loathes loans? Good luck to them, but not so sure that all that stardust sprinkling over The City Ground.....will end up attracting Tinkerbell? ?
  4. Superb...........that made me chuckle..........can't beat popping a bubble?
  5. That's convenient timing................or am i being unfair?
  6. With the greatest respect .............how can 11th to 8th not be progressive, it defies mathematical logic? I can only presume that U mean that under LJ, despite finishing higher in the table, in your opinion we were playing inferior football, compared to the previous season? Poor old LJ, he cannot win over certain fans, despite giving us our highest position in 10 years ?
  7. Good analysis..........as always. I am certain we will retain our Championship status. Then we have to give NP the opportunity to conduct his transfer business in the summer, i am concerned about the number of contracts coming to an end in Summer 2023, so some very big decisions will need to be taken? Unfortunately i think HNM will be sold, but his departure will give us some funds to buy some young quality, hopefully? The coming close season will be a vital time to create the side that NP wants, I just hope we can hold onto Semenyo, and that NP buys wisely and shrewdly, and finally proves he is up to the job? Then season 2022-23 will be the season to truly judge him, as there will no longer be any excuses, as it will be his team? PS. i really hope HNM stays, but IMHO it appears unlikely?
  8. We had just finished 8th after finishing 11th the previous season.........it would have appeared a very strange and unpopular dismissal? I wonder if on the 31/05/19 ..... you would have been of the same opinion as your post on 06/02/22? I some how doubt it?
  9. To give u some perspective into my weirdness, I have had some upsetting news about a family member. So while i appreciate the stress and emotion involved in a high pressure sporting event, it occurred to while watching all these players blubbing........that they earn a fortune doing one of the best jobs in the world, they have beautiful houses, probably beautiful wives and yet they worry about a defeat so much that cry their eyes out. I completely understand their disappointment, but when they wake up tomorrow, i am certain it won't seem too bad. It's a football match....and tomorrow there will be another football match........? PS. I have also had a drink, which no doubt lubricates my judgement?
  10. But?........Senegal won it playing excellent football Blimey there are a lot of confused people out there?
  11. Makes me laugh all the losing players crying.........they earn a fortune playing sport, and have the best pheckin lifestyle, get over it Ha!!
  12. BE a bit of a travesty if Egypt win this...........their style of football really does Sphinx.......?
  13. My Nan's up for it...........AND she's 2 years younger than Roy Hodgson?
  14. Anybody can have an off day...... Tomas's was yesterday, but generally this season he has been Mr Consistent , he is alongside mostly inferior players, so does well to keep up a high standard IMHO. We are weak and ineffective defensively, but i have no problem with Kalas's effort and commitment, and ability. . He needs a leader next to him, the fact that there is not one there is not his fault, and he is the last player i would ever consider letting go. The original poster is way off target, with a knee jerk reaction to one poor game, which is an ongoing consistent theme of this forum? There are far worst players at this club than Tomas Kalas, he would be very difficult to replace, and hopefully is a defender we can rely upon for the next few seasons?
  15. Snap up Kidderminster's Matt Preston.............we could do with a leader at the back? ?
  16. Just need to sign Matt Preston.........and hire the Kidderminster FC Defensive coach? ? PS. Someone mentioned that O'Doubtful had gone off the boil lately, can anyone let me know if they ever seen him on the boil?
  17. That does concern me the most, HNM and Semenyo are the most likely to depart in the summer by being tempted away? It is hard to convince two young ambitious players to stick around when they are not in a team making progress, and have a substandard defence behind them,, constantly letting in soft goals? If they end up going, it will be the same old story of letting our best players leave, because we cannot fulfill their ambitions. This season, its only watching HNM, Scott and Semenyo, that half the time keeps me going to matches.
  18. Williams getting another 45 minutes unscathed was probably the best thing to come out of today?
  19. Don't worry.........yeah......sigh......yeah......not sure.......sigh......yeah...but...sigh.........Oh.....yeah......sigh of exasperation.........I too, am hoping he will one day
  20. Using San Marino and New Zealand as examples of international quality is not really consistent with the accepted interpretation of International quality is it really? I wouldn't expect an international striker from Gibraltar to play in the Premier League, your being far too obtuse for me? I will agree to disagree..........?
  21. Sorry, but how can a team full of internationals (Not City obviously) NOT be a barometer of their quality? The one reason they were picked to represent their country was because of their quality? You are free to disagree? ?
  22. You actually said "Controlling the ball with your hand"? If your controlling the ball, it is then a purposeful act, not an accident? Anyway I can be pedantic sometimes, so who cares? Just pleased Utd went out. ?
  23. I think the Czech Republic and Switzerland are rated a bit higher than San Marino? I appreciate u are trying to make a point, but even so? ?
  24. Think there is a difference between......controlling the ball with your hand, and the the ball deflecting ONTO your hand? Don't you?
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