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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Joy to the World!!.............The only mistake NP has made IMHO was signing Homer Simpson........the rest were all reasonable punts?
  2. I wonder, having read through the replies and views since the original post, if Better Red could be nominated in the category of "Most ill informed and misguided view" - post. But then again his post, decrying our awful academy and appalling young guns, and their failure to produce any quality, has instigated four pages of debate and insight, which are interesting and amusing......so perhaps, although his viewpoint is miles off target, he should be thanked for sparking 4 pages of readable diversion? Ha!! PS. Not only has Scotty scored a couple of goals, at the age of 18, he is probably worth a conservative £10 mill?
  3. It must be a doddle to run a championship club's media department FFS? So they have so much time on their hands, they've been down the pub, and left the new kid, who's a non paid volunteer in charge? Result?......Pheck Up?
  4. I appreciate we have lost Baker and Atkinson, which has contributed massively to our defensive woes, would it not be wise to bring in a specialist defensive coach to drill, drill and drill our set ups at crosses and dead ball sittuations? NP keeps bemoaning our inadequacies after matches, but can't he attempt to be more proactive and manage the problem i know once the players cross that white line he cannot legislate for individual mistakes, but the set up at times is distressingly naive?
  5. Atkinson and Baker are a massive loss..and would be to any side? However I still don't understand that with a manager and a coach who defended at a high level, why are defence is so, so badly drilled?
  6. Sorry to say it.....but as much as i like Max, after tonight and his lack of domination from crosses on Saturday.....I think Bentley should come back in. We should be still 0-0, but for woeful defending. We have played well, but still lack bite upfront........maybe we need Suarez...Ha!..
  7. Truly appalling goalkeeping.............sooooooo indecisive
  8. Sorry to be a pedant..........but JT was born in Basildon, 57 miles from Luton? Ian Anderson.....lead singer of Jethro Tull was born in Dunfermline. Do i still need to ask my parents? ?
  9. Obviously a herd of Welsh Luddites scared and alarmed to see such high technology? Having been used to holes in the ground and clumps of moss, they have become frenzied and disturbed when confronted by hygiene.....they are to be pitied really? ?
  10. My God....if people think Andy Davies is poor...........the ref in the Tunisia v Gambia game tonight makes Davies look like Pierluigi Collina in comparison...Ha!!
  11. The Ipswich fans who post on their forum seem mostly deluded and misguided, and most of their comments deserve a mixture of sympathy and contempt? They certainly deserve all the Ashton malignancy that will eventually be coming there way?
  12. Gotta say .................if NP comes out one more time with.... "We are where we are" as an answer to a question............I Might just charge him myself?
  13. So they fine NP.........for telling the truth. They reward Davies for his incompetence with another match. You couldn't make it pheckin up' ? Ha! ?
  14. I understand how NP gets his fine, as that is the sad way it works............but what about the perpertrator of the abomination of a refereeing display? Does he walk away Scot free, to continue his quest to ruin football matches where ever he appears? Do the powers that penalise NP, even look at Davies's performance, to see if the manager had a valid point in his criticism, or is it just a Kangaroo court? . The whole issue is pheckin' absurd, If someone is an incompetent oaf, is he just given a pat on the back, and told to "do better next time"? What a clusterpheck Ha!
  15. OK...........I had not considered that...thanks
  16. Does anyone know if Williams played the full 90 minutes? And if he had a decent game?
  17. Unidentified item in the blagging area? Ha!
  18. Fair point, but then again surely one of the tasks of a coach (Sorry of course Nige is a manager?) is to pass on his experience, tactical nous and hopefully, some tricks of the trade, to his players that occupy the same position as he once did? I have seen little evidence of any improvement in our ability to defend? Despite the obvious class of the Fulham strikers, we were naive and postionally inept for most of the time in the game that mattered. As for Vyner, I don't want to even go there....ha!!
  19. If O'Dowda thinks he's worth more than he has been offered.........then he is deluded.........he wouldn't get away with his mostly abject performances at many other clubs. He would be an idiot to turn down the offer, but i sincerely hope he does? Hopefully see him playing back at Oxford sometime soon?'
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