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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Fair point, but then again surely one of the tasks of a coach (Sorry of course Nige is a manager?) is to pass on his experience, tactical nous and hopefully, some tricks of the trade, to his players that occupy the same position as he once did? I have seen little evidence of any improvement in our ability to defend? Despite the obvious class of the Fulham strikers, we were naive and postionally inept for most of the time in the game that mattered. As for Vyner, I don't want to even go there....ha!!
  2. If O'Dowda thinks he's worth more than he has been offered.........then he is deluded.........he wouldn't get away with his mostly abject performances at many other clubs. He would be an idiot to turn down the offer, but i sincerely hope he does? Hopefully see him playing back at Oxford sometime soon?'
  3. I was not aware that NP said that about Vyner?...........if that is truly the case, it's not only astonishing, but also a concern. It's one thing to support a player to increase his confidence, but another to be blinkered and misguided?
  4. Everything you allude to is valid.........it's just things like assigning Vyner to mark the best striker in the Championship, that frustrate me. To me it's just an obvious error, as was leaving out Atkinson. I understand all you are saying, it is just to me, what at times appear to be glaring errors, from a manager who played his entire career at centre back?
  5. maxjak


    Someone who we most definitely miss on defensive corners is Diedhiou....I appreciate he is long gone , but he was excellent at defensive headers?
  6. You have to wonder if Pearson is definitely the right man for the job.............when after nearly a year in the job he continues to put square pegs in round holes . While i appreciate he is limited in his selections, tactically he is not helping himself. Fulham are an exceptional side, but we made it so, so easy for them? He needs to show us that he is getting the hang of it with team selection next week, he owes us that?
  7. After THAT result.....I think a donation to charity beforehand would have been a wise move? You could not possibly have known......But the irony regarding your comment is that i was Assistant manager at Ladbrokes and Betfred for 7 years ?I
  8. It;'s called having a physical presence? Vyner was like a wet rag doll, whereas the scorer of the goal was more akin to a muscular "jack in the box"...Ha! There was NO foul............just weak pheckin' defending
  9. Wiliam Hill 12/1.....if yer mad enough to bet on a City win, you might as well get the best odds?
  10. Thanks......Mate? For explaining how betting works......... I'd never have worked it out by myself ?
  11. Entertaining............Thanks
  12. Very Jealous..........I'd love to still be able to train, (and play) especially if it was with a great trainer like Curtis. Although Most of my shots would have ended up over the bar. Don't Pro footballers have a pheckin' great life? Ha!
  13. If you have something to say, then please say it? I cannot stand pedants?.....It's not my`pheckin problem if you cannot be arsed to check the spelling in your post?
  14. If?...........at least you have a sense of humour?
  15. I presume you meant Cheeky? I know loads of worthwhile charities that could use a donation of 30 notes....why waste it on a pointless cause? If u want a sure thing, bet on a 1-0 scoreline in the AFCON? ?
  16. I just love the predictability of the Afcon matches...........i did a treble on Betfair that all 3 games yesterday would be 1-0 scorelines, and i got lucky! Off to the pub ??
  17. Fulham are 1/5 on Betfair....if u fancy a punt.........Ha!
  18. Just looking on Betfair................Fulham are 1/5 to beat us. Ha! I cannot remember shorter odds since we played Man City away in the League Cup Semis?
  19. U say it leaves near to the ground Where does it go?
  20. Well if he has worked at the Currant Bun...........he will be sure to never let the truth get in the way of a Good Story. I will mistrust every word and article he processes ??
  21. Kool.........Yep Arsenal will always be my second sporting love after my home town club..... City. I think they can definitely get 4th behind Man C, L'pool and Chelsea.........and of course i'll be happy if they finish above Rotspurs.......Go u Gooners!
  22. Surprised it wasn't his Tiara? Ha!
  23. That was one of the most pathetic inept performances i have seen from an Arsenal team in a long time...........they had quite a few players missing, but even so? Nlketia is a poser and a waste of space, he is one of those strikers who will somehow make a living drifting from club to club, and never really cutting it. He reminds me so much of Bendtner, who always thought he was much better, than he actually was?? Arsenal should bin him ASAP. As for The Diva ......Tavares throwing down his Gloves?? and storming off.........yet another Arsenal poser, who should be left on the bench. Arsenal have always been my second team, ever since i lived in North London during the days of Henry and Viera.............but these days they lack character and consistency and have become a very frustrating team to watch...considering some of the great players they have like Smith Rowe and Saka?
  24. Get Back Jo Jo...........?
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