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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. What a great shame,,,,,,,it would had given us a chance for revenge for Man CITY'S extremely lucky semi final victory against us?...........?
  2. I see your a Newbie with 2 posts?.............I shouldn't bother with a 3rd? ?
  3. Well done Mick............stay happy and healthy
  4. Exactly.........O'Dowda's attempt at hitting, what was in essence an open goal, was woeful. Not as bad as Lavery though?
  5. Could be worse?.................We could have signed Lavery from Blackpool in the Window...Ha!! ??
  6. Seems to be destined to always be "The Nearly Man".........Flatters to deceive, is probably his best description? Now i know that anyone on the pitch could have missed, what was virtually an open goal? But guess who it was that missed it?. ?
  7. Well played City.............absolutely outstanding commitment, attitude and performance.........future looks bright IMHO.
  8. Very unlucky............just desparately need a goal scorer. I'm sorry, but for all O'Dowda's efforts, i would replace him tomorrow, he is the ultimate "Nearly Man"
  9. Whatever happens now, will not detract from an excellent 90 minute performance ................if only we had a goal scorer?
  10. He should have influenced a lead.....to be fair............that was an awful miss
  11. O'Dowda Showing his international class?......................WTF?
  12. i don't get this "tapping his head" reference.........could someone please educate me to it's significance?
  13. Good performance, Good football, Good referee, Good match..........really enjoying it
  14. What a considered and well thought out observation? ?
  15. At least their trying to do some good?...........instead of sitting at a keyboard, not achieving a great deal more than espousing negativity?
  16. Have you ever had a conversation with a Newcastle Utd supporter?..............They have an interesting viewpoint. Although having now gone from one questionable individual to a whole country of shady characters, who knows where they'll end up?
  17. Poor Derby......it was bad enough to get a points deduction, but it's now getting worse ............ nobody deserves Mike Ashley? ?
  18. That's what is called top grade scouting..........whoever it was who spotted his long term potential, surely deserved a fat healthy bonus?
  19. Considering they were 500/1 to win the league.....I believe they deserved some clemency for their incredible achievement. I'm sure they were not the only club bending the rules to their advantage? ?
  20. Yep....... a mantra that Ashton and LJ rarely adhered to?
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