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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Nige states in the Bristol Post that he has never been one to moan about not having much money to spend on players? He also said that he has no idea what is the most he has ever paid out for an individual player during his managerial career. Do any of you Stat freaks out there, have the answer to that question I wonder? ?
  2. If there was a referee assessor at the Gate that night.......and .unless they were as incompetent as the clown purporting to referee the game, then surely they will back up Nige's opinion, that the man was a buffoon? I realise that if the powers that be, stay consistent, then Nige will be fined, and the referee's absurd attempt at controlling a football match will be ignored and he will probably be given a Five star rating.....because of course they are NEVER wrong...........that is what we have to put up with..........because they are in general, stupid pheckers, who look after their own?
  3. Mark Ashton is a blight and a pestilence.............who should be avoided at all times. I feel sorry for Ipswich supporters, especially the ones who high- fived him, poor misguided souls?
  4. Was Chris Garland Bristolian ?
  5. Talking of teams made up from local players...........i always think that one remarkable statistic from the history of the game that stands out for me, and will NEVER be repeated is..... When Celtic became the first British team to win the European Cup in 1967, the team consisted of players all born within a 10 mile radius of Glasgow City Centre. I find that fact incredible. Talk about a local Victory!!
  6. According to HNM, directly from the horse's mouth............HNM has stated in the last couple of weeks........that no contract talks have taken place so far. However, perhaps he is being Cloak and Dagger? Ha!
  7. Will we never learn? HNM has approx 18 months left on his contract, he is a very valuable asset, why have contract talks not taken place? It's Elliason all over again, why aren''t we talking to him, am I missing something?
  8. It wasn't the best of the three.....but I have seen plenty of premier league players volley a chance like that into row Z, give the guy some credit?
  9. Thanks for the heads up............now i geddit!
  10. I was unable to make it yesterday..............but having watched the goals on SKY (Why does it take the media team soooooo long to put the highlights up on the main site?)...........I have to say that was an exceptional hat trick, all 3 goals were expertly taken, and Andi showed what a class act he is, on his day? Somethings just get better with age? 12 goals so far, after a season ending ACL injury, is really outstanding.....but then again, apparently, all he does is "Run around a lot"
  11. Yep...........your right there.......it was quite probably up for the most inappropiate ignorant remark of the year award....... anyway it gets my vote. ?
  12. Forever Have offered up interviews with Owers, Latham, and Mcgregor and a great summation of The QPR game......OTIB is as entertaining as always. Whereas all that has been forthcoming from Peaps is an old chat with Justin Lee Hasbeen, some bloke called Sims, and a recommendation to watch the Darts? . Yep, they really have their finger on the pulse ? Sorry but out of the three, Peaps is by far the most out of touch and archaic........ IMHO
  13. C'mon FFS City.....sign Someone.......Anyone?
  14. maxjak


    The only job i could see him doing at Ashton Gate is....................changing the urine cakes in the executive toilets?
  15. Funny innit? On the rare occasion of a victory, the highlights are up on the main site at the drop of a hat..................but when its a case of losing to a last minute goal or a similar capitulation, the media department struggle to find the footage? Ha!!
  16. Sorry...think your off target with that theory? i suppose it's boredom that makes people imagine conspiracies? Nige and Gregor get on just fine.
  17. Yep.........that is the great shame of it..............he was playing well, and the midfield was looking solid..........and then!!!
  18. Well done Andy, at least you care..........Hopefully you will make up for your transgression by performing well in future?
  19. Do referee assessor's still attend games? Surely this guy should be put out to grass..........at a home for the permanantly bewildered?
  20. Are you sure your not Alan Partridge? Ah-Ha!
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