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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Funny innit? On the rare occasion of a victory, the highlights are up on the main site at the drop of a hat..................but when its a case of losing to a last minute goal or a similar capitulation, the media department struggle to find the footage? Ha!!
  2. Sorry...think your off target with that theory? i suppose it's boredom that makes people imagine conspiracies? Nige and Gregor get on just fine.
  3. Yep.........that is the great shame of it..............he was playing well, and the midfield was looking solid..........and then!!!
  4. Well done Andy, at least you care..........Hopefully you will make up for your transgression by performing well in future?
  5. Do referee assessor's still attend games? Surely this guy should be put out to grass..........at a home for the permanantly bewildered?
  6. Are you sure your not Alan Partridge? Ah-Ha!
  7. Thanks for putting me straight.........but sometimes it's more like Fawlty Towers? Still the inevitable conclusion made me £40.00, so i can't complain too much... !
  8. Honestly, that is a phrase i just don't get? .......... should he have gone down with difficultly? If your fouled............you are pheckin FOULED.
  9. i turned off the game with 10 minutes.left.............because i just knew what was coming.............words fail me, it was all so inevitable. i honestly despair about our cruel joke of a football club.
  10. i'm watching the match..........i thought i told u to go away?.....I mean that nicely by the way/
  11. Have another sip of whatever it is your drinking........and be realistic, please?
  12. Even if by some miracle we should win or hold on for a draw......surely he is still a flatulent bag of ill disguised ineptitude? i mean that kindly Ha!
  13. If a manager puts in an official complaint about the standard of refereering. is it seen as sour grapes..............or just ignored?
  14. oh go away...........if you don't have the capacity to work that out for yourself..........i'm not gonna help you.
  15. By retaining our best players and getting promoted instead of propping up most of the division ..............I really don't need a high IQ to work that one out?
  16. Yep empty plastic bottles are quite correctly classified as deadly weapons along with toilet rolls and cardboard burger receptacles?
  17. Don't agree...........why would he sit on the bench in the Prem.....when he can perform for us? He will be here for a couple more seasons i reckon............then leave for a fortune IMHO
  18. i definitely have my doubts about Mr Multiples authenticity..............just saying
  19. Surely better to drink the contents of a bottle..................rather than watch a team bottling it? I will be deliriously happy if we get a point
  20. Well said....great to hear from someone who gets it.
  21. Who's talking about Bournemouth?.....................there 16 clubs between them and us. I give up....you have no idea.
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