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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. No.........that's a really good name for him.....I agree that it is appropriate for a used car salesman masquerading as a CEO
  2. Well it IS his club?....if he suddenly withdrew his financial support overnight, then we would be probably screwed? Who is going to lead us out of this financial mess? i am fully aware that SL has made numerous misjudgements, but who do u think is going to bail us out of our current predicament....that man, for all his faults will be SL ?
  3. With the greatest respect.........i don't understand your point? What have the Swiss got to do with it?
  4. How many clubs when for sale have been bought by foreign owners..........do your research. The only owners who will be able to afford City are 99% certain to be foreign,,and then it becomes another completely different can of worms? And that is?
  5. Quite easily thanks.........LJ is a far better coach than Nige...........the problem was Mark Ashton not LJ? But you are far wiser than me ?
  6. So who is this dark stranger riding into town to save the day? Do tell?
  7. Yeah.......ooh! let;s get a nice foreign owner...that would cause no problems? People are completely unrealistic, be very careful what u wish For? LJ's dismissal has also worked out so very well?
  8. If you take that stance, then just about every stadium and ground in the country is rented? Very simplistic IMHO
  9. i haven't seen a queue to invest so far? In fact i have never seen a queue to invest? Only one man has taken the time, trouble and money as far as i can see? But i guess we could have just waited for someone to eventually come along?
  10. OK.....So withdraw £200 mill from our current position........we are now.playing in a decrepid stadium with no state of the art training ground to attract players and are probably languishing in Division 1....great plan?
  11. Around 30 mill will be hard to turn down? IMHO.
  12. It is starting to appear that Lloyd Kelly is one of the most desired acquistions of the coming window...with a whole host of top clubs hoping to sign him? i can see him as a future England player, so the fee, and our percentage could end up as very useful?
  13. Yeah next time you've a spare 200 million........be sure to use it wisely, your view is simplistic IMHO. There are just so many instances and circumstances over the years where a slightly wrong decision or an ill timed turn could have made such a difference. Of course supporters are well within their rights to criticise, but some of the extreme and ridiculous comments on here, on occassion are ill educated , or just plain dumb. At the very least SL should be shown some respect for what he has done for Bristol City?
  14. Sorry...completely disagree. But good luck with your opinion.........Merry Xmas
  15. Yep i was pleased to hear some forceful opinion, especially about our full backs, a ball winning or creative midfielder, and our seemingly urgent need to sell any player who shows a modicum of ability, to the first club that bids for them? i did think he was a little over dramatic regarding FFP? There are a host of other clubs in a far worse position than us? And finally his strong defence of our benefactor Steve L. It is beyond my comprehension, when i read some of the comments regarding Steve on here, because as RL states, without him we would probably be in the same position as the Gas? OK he has made a few mistakes with recruitment, but the infa -structure that he has put in place, the training centre, stadium etc are all down to him, and his legacy..........which idiots seem to ignore? Without SL......we would be truly screwed! Ha! Merry Xmas
  16. Yep........Baker, probably finished, which i am truly sorry about. King, Past it. Williams, O Dowda, and Cundy seemingly injury prone? We don;t have much luck? So surely if he can unload a couple of high earners, we might, just might, get some loan recruits? Pearson needs to change his outlook on loan signings.........as there are a number of other Championship sides benefitting from loans?
  17. Poor old Plymouth.....Ha!....? Sorry it may not be all down to him, but he didn't exactly improve our squad.....passing, positional play, technique, awareness, concentration etc? i will keep an eye on Plymouth, and see if they emerge from their bad patch? 1 win in 6?
  18. Oh well we will have to agree to disagree? Massengo (20 years old) will one day play in the Premiership........he just needs better players around him? If your a quality manager, you don't moan and make snide remarks, you make the very best of whats available ( @ See Steve Cooper Notts Forest) I am gradually of the opinion that Nige is all talk and little action, and i would have no problem if he left tomorrow. He has the Jan Window to change my mind.....if he has not built up sufficient contacts after his time in the game, to recruit a couple or so loans to bolster our squad, then i will be very disappointed?
  19. So Simpson hasn 't worked out on the pitch?........where else has he worked out, in the car park? Massengo has not been coached well, but for me as 20 year old still learning the game, is doing just fine, considering who he plays alongside? Martin has been flogged to death, and I feel sorry for him, as he is badly utlised, and has no one with any pace, up until now to play together with? Just Hope Nige's next 10 months are an improvement on the last 10?....although to a degree his hands have been tied, he has not made the best use of the available players, and still struggles to pick players in their best positions. He often contradicts himself, and for a manager who spent his whole career playing in a defensive unit, he seems to have little idea how to set up a cohesive defensive formation? If I was to give him a mid term report...it would be a 5 out of 10 IMHO.
  20. Good content............but the quality of audio for Yer Honour ..........was truly awful
  21. Yep.........the reason the defence lets us down is because Pearson keeps putting the wrong players in the wrong positions? I just don't get it? How can a man who played his career as a central defender, get our defensive set up so wrong? He keeps coming out with the same BS after most games......that's 19 defeats in 38 games since he was appointed, I try to support him, but his bizarre choices are beginning to change my mind. As was mentioned on Bristol Live, when asked why Pring did not play, Pearson stated, he felt he was not ready to play? When asked by the reporter, why this was the case.......Pearson replied "I don't know".......so why didn't you ask him?...your his manager, and supposed leader of men? Ha! It's your pheckin job to know why he was unable to play? If their was a problem, then address it, and if you prefer for it not to be made public...then say so, Do NOT say "I don't know"? I worry about Pearson?
  22. Thanks....I listen to all 3 main podcasts........but ~OSIB is definitely my favourite. PS. Just listened to it........Entertaining as always.....Happy Xmas to Stan and all OSIBlings....Brussel Sprouts!
  23. Anyone know what has happened this week to Stan and The One Stream in Bristol Podcast ? Has he finally succumbed to the turgid repetition of watching Bristol City, and given up on us?........or is he just overcome with Pre-Xmas merriment? We need to be told.
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