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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. 100% correct....there are many and varied exercises one can do to improve concentration and mental discipline. Sports Psychologists specialise in promoting focus and disciplined thinking, training sports people to immerse themselves in their performance, and making sure they are able to concentrate on the job in hand, and not be distracted by any exterior influences. When I played amateur football, I was going through some financial and emotional problems, and the psychologist took me through some exercises, which made me block out any distractions and concentrate fully on the here and now.....it definitely works. IMHO
  2. Do you honestly believe that Ashton set out deliberately to recruit mentally weak players? I agree that he is despicable Judas, but that would be some agenda to pursue? Ha!
  3. Poor kid.........that is awful. i am so sorry for him and his family
  4. !0 months ......and some of the players have not appeared to have improved or learnt? We are poor in possession, and give the ball away too easily. . Making smug remarks like.."Are you at Failand every day?" 'is just pompous and pointless. Surely the evidence is apparent during matches that we have a problem maintaining concentration and physicality over 90-95 minutes. I realise Nige's hands are tied to an extent, but making the best of what is available is the mark of a good manager?. I would certainly give Martin a rest occassionally, Conway is now fit, and Wells could be utilised more ( But Nige doesn't like him) i didn't have to loiter at Failand's High Performance Centre to glean that? I really hope Nige turns it around, the window is a chance to show us how smart he is, and despite the dangers and obstacles of the January market...........surely some loans can come in and out, to improve things?
  5. i don't think it's a question of him being on the bench........but playing him in his optimum position. He is wasted at wing back.
  6. Without a doubt your points are valid, however i cannot exonerate Nige completely, when the same mistakes are repeated, and our manager was a top central defender who obviously knows how to organise a defensive unit. My main concern are some of his team selections, i have not seen a great deal of progress in 10 months, but maybe he will redeem himself in the window........though that will be hard to achieve.
  7. Don't you think that his coaching of our defence (Does he do any coaching?) and his team selection are both questionable? He is quick to criticise, but maybe he should take a close look at his own abilities?
  8. My God.......who rattled your chain.......the tory MP remark was a joke. i suggest you chillout, and by the way i do not agree with a word you have said...Happy frigging Xmas
  9. Mostly agree with your opinion.......the square pegs in round holes assessment is accurate, his Martin fixation and the lack of fitness and poor coaching are also a concern.
  10. Sorry but it seems a perfectly reasonable question IMHO...if you are suggesting that the present incumbent isn't up to the job...then the least you can do is propose an alternative? Otherwise it is such an easy criticism to make......worthy of a Tory MP on Question time, Ha! ....... He is not good enough...but i have no idea who to replace him with, is such a cop out?
  11. Stop that right this minute..........we won't stand for sensible insightful assessments around here, thankyou.
  12. What hold does Martin have over Nige? Could it be those revealing photographs of the pre season shenningans involving the mayonnaise and the young apprentice? Watch this space ?
  13. Yet another golden gem from the keyboard of..........Iv haven't got a clue? ?
  14. 10 months into the 3 year plan.....and Nige is sure making a big difference? How can a club with such brilliant backing from a generous, if often misguided benefactor.....make such a mess of just about everything?
  15. What are you on about? I seriously have my doubts about some of the opinions expressed on here?
  16. Retreat to League One...are you clinically insane? Things are bad, and I have serious doubts about Nige, but if we get relegated it would be a financial disaster. Please get a grip?
  17. "The Truth is out there" that is the limit of your discussion? Mulder or Scully? I have tried to engage you in a debate or structured argument, but you seem incapable of .stringing a few words together without spouting pseudo drivel or insults....so I suggest you do some research or read a book, and stop depressing me with your sad life. PS. Don't forget to get to school on time on Monday, as education appears to be your only hope?
  18. We really are, at times embarrassing. Our manager was a central defender, i cannot believe he does not teach them how to defend? I am at a loss.
  19. That is truly appalling defending for the goal.........no urgency, no awareness. Defenders in concrete boots going through the motions, they were all culpable, a complete shower of shite
  20. Apparently they are also distributing matching toilet rolls?
  21. Just what i thought.......another sad inarticulate soul, who has no idea. But then attaches themselves to the latest passing bandwagon theory. Next struggles to hold a intelligent debate, and then ends up hiding behind a wall of insults and empty cliches...........feel sorry for you.
  22. Get the feeling that bannerman is struggling to articulate his agenda........but maybe he will surprise me with some in depth insight in to the pandemic?
  23. ` Please enlighten me as to what this bigger picture is? Why is it a narrow minded opinion? What are these different scientific views?. I have an extremely open mind, that is just desperate to be educated by someone of your superior intellect. "Open your mind and get out of your box".........Ha! Really? Anyone can spout glib cliches..........offer me some substance.
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