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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. My God.........she's like a twisted paranoid character from a Stephen King novel....spouting inane drivel IMHO ?
  2. If the other people in the same office have also had three jabs, then the percentage chances of the infection spreading is greatly reduced. It's basic commonsense. I would be fascinated to know though, why they had chosen to ignore the advice of scientists and the WHO, in not having the jabs?
  3. Off you go then...I am fascinated to know exactly what i am saying wrong? It really is not sufficient to make a glib statement and then not proceed to educate my dumb ass?
  4. Even if it means spreading the virus? , surely it should be about the greater good? I am all for personal choice and freedom....but not when the actions of an individual jeopardise's' the well being and health of the general population. I personally find that selfish and irresponsible.
  5. You are seriously missing my Point......with your glib comment, that does not address the issue of responsibility and selfishness? If they are not vaccinated, IMHO they should not be allowed to play.
  6. I really DO NOT get this? Spectators will have to show a Vaccination passport to attend an EFL game..........however a player who is one of the 25 % un -vaccinated is allowed into the stadium and dressing rooms? Endangering his team mates and potentially spreading the virus.? Am i missing something?
  7. Can't wait to see Markie Baby high fiveing all the Suffolk drongos ... .........after they lose?
  8. i remember his performance........amongst many others.....when we played Walsall away after losing at home in the play offs. I think he was around 36, he was a Lion that day...it all eventually ended in tears, but on that day he was pheckin immense. What a leader and an inspiration!!
  9. If anyone see's Nige "Bouncing around" ? Can they please record it on their mobile.........as, sorry I am not gonna believe it, without evidence? ?
  10. Who the pheck is Matt Mills? Yet another minor celebrity, expert, who has trouble spelling? ?
  11. They only make profits of Billions of pounds.............so it must be difficult to afford competent staff?
  12. Tarred and feathered, then lynched.................followed by a written personal apology to Never to the Dark Side, would seem appropriate? ?
  13. Surely Walruse's' don't eat Penguin's because their flipper's won't enable them to get the wrapper's off...............I'll get my coat
  14. If you take the time to listen to the podcast Sleepy refers to, with Stan and JP.............You will hear the incredible backstory JP has with our club, when he was younger. i would say that he has fantastic knowledge of a period of history of our club, and would say he has tremendous affection for City, rather than being a super fan, though he always follows our progress. He is more of an admirer of Bristol City I would say?
  15. Johnathan Pearce is the most articulate and entertaining commentator working today IMHO?..............and a Red! Be a bad day when he retires, as there is no one with the same insight and humour to replace him? Maybe we could get him to do our Robins TV commentaries, when he finally leaves the BBC?...............What a massive step up in quality that would be?
  16. Now Tanner is back........can we please start playing Scott in his proper position, namely where he play's for ENGLAND U19's .....we are desperate for creativity, so please give the kid a chance to play in his correct role?
  17. Four use's of the word "Poor" seem to sum it up? ?
  18. maxjak

    KP 45

    ' I'm serious........................I agree his level IS League 1. He will seem like a superstar at that level, bit like Smzodics? Then.....That's it?
  19. maxjak

    KP 45

    Don't worry KP will thrive and find his true level once he signs for IPSWICH..........?
  20. That really was an excellent strike by James....we got the run of the ball for once...........but great finish!!
  21. No..........I am not ever confident about City. But I am very pleased of course!!
  22. ooH...cutting? Who is it that picks the players and recruits the players?
  23. Yep alrights just great......but are we ever going to be better than alright?
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