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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Anyone know when was the last time we won two successive home games?..............I'll go for March 2016? Ha!
  2. I'm starting an Xmas sweepstake......as to when Martin's legs fall off? ?
  3. He's broken, he needs sending back to the manufacturer?.............Will he ever be fit? Such a shame, because he has a brilliant football brain, but his body can't keep up?
  4. Ashton really is the ultimate charlatan/swiss tony car salesman? So it would seem, ...........people just don't listen and take heed.
  5. Players develop at different rates, I feel certain that HNM will come good, I have no evidence,, it's just my opinion. It doesn't help that the standard of coaching at City leaves a lot to be desired IMHO. So there is a case for him to get better coaching elsewhere, but i hope he stays. Fortunately they didn't get hold of Scott until he was 16.........Ha!
  6. Give the kid a pheckin break................he is 20 years of age, he will get better, given time. The idea of trying to sell HNM is a dumb idea, and should not be even considered IMHO. We should be extending his contract.........and NOT even contemplating selling him.
  7. Very Very well done Liverpool FC ........What A fantastic community club.........and lots of best wishes to Adam and Alix
  8. Take away the beard and their a spitting image............why Ellen hasn't shaved..............well I have no idea?
  9. By the way, has anyone ever seen Ellen White and Harry Kane in the same room. Ha! They look remarkably similar..........or am i just hallucinating yet again?
  10. Ha! Thats correct...but everytime i go onto the BBC Football website i am constantly being told how wonderful it is, and how well it is all going. I am all for women playing football, and I wish them well. But it is a million miles away from mens football. I am still trying to find decent goalkeepers, apart from the top 2 or 3, who aren't bad. Anyways, my only reason for commenting intially was the ludicrous 20-0 scoreline which does womens football no favours as a product IMHO
  11. No....but i will check it out....thanks
  12. Yep I did thanks........the San marino game was the exception that proves the rule. I DO NOT see the point in the England men's team playing that game, but it was a very rare situation, whereas in women' s football scores of that nature are commonplace. There is an elite dozen of women's international' teams, and then an extremely poor majority. In men's football the reverse is true. Some sort of seeding should be introduced to prevent these sort of games, which are completely pointless, and must demoralise teams like Latvia, and do them no favours?
  13. It IS an utterly pointless game of football...surely sport is all about competition.....and this was not about competition? Just constantly putting the ball in a net is meaningless, and talk of goal records is just pathetic. Makes womens football look sub standard and lame IMHO.
  14. Womens football..........so competitve and exciting? One sided games are so boring ?
  15. The reference to grey matter was aimed at the manager..not you. Scott worked at home as a one off, but to expect him to excel away from home to a physical team like Sheff Utd was IMHO naive and foolhardy, also a waste of his talent, that could be better utilised in the number 10 role, hence the reason Benarous is dropped, to make way for Scott Bakinson has no cojones, I would use him at home, but not away, because he goes missing, Vyner is not an ideal replacement, but at least he fights and gets stuck in, I would have played him there as a one off given our current injury problems. We will never know if my side would do better than the side that our Nige picked....but I would have money on the fact that they would? How could they possibly be worse? Ha! The fact the the Championship is unrelenting is exactly why i would have changed the side......and most definitely given Martin a rest, before his legs fall off? Nige IMHO needs to find a style of play and formation that suits the players we have at present, but despite being here since Feburary, he patently has not, I don't trust him, and would replace if it was down to me. The football we have played so far under his management is some of the worst i have ever had the misfortune to watch IMHO.
  16. Anybody with half an amount of grey matter could see we would be over run in midfield, and that Scott at wing back was a square peg in a round hole, and a complete waste of a creative player. Plus Benerous and Scott are too similar to both play?...................sorry we are very consistent, consistently poor. I don't trust Niges decision making, and for a man who played his entire career as a central defender, he appears to have no idea how to set up a defence? IMHO.
  17. Still picking up his matchday bonus by constantly picking splinters out of his ass on the bench.
  18. Vyner in midfield Alongside Scott and Massengo ........Semenyo and O'Dowda wide (So basically fill the midfield) Atlinson, Kalas , Baker and Pring at the back. Either Wells or Weimann as a lone striker? I think it's an improvement.......but i'm no coach? But after that performance do we have any Coach's , other than the one we turned up in ?
  19. So is Simpson on the bus? On top of the bus? Under the bus? In the bus's luggage hold? Driving the pheckin bus? Playing cards at the back of the bus?..............or merely down at the cashpoint?
  20. Headline on Main Site from Nige "Poor Decisions Cost Us" ..................Spot on Nige, great that your so self aware? The very first poor decision happened prior to Kick Off.............with the Line Up you chose?
  21. Al's wicked whisper looks such a absolute 100% undeniable source................with such credibility, there is obviously no doubt of it's authenticity? ?
  22. Your right though....watching City these days is tantamount to self flagellation!
  23. Olly Aleaxander .....come on down.....it's been Years n' Years? Ha!!
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