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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Your very late to the diss Maxjak party...I have made my apologies elsewhere on the site for my hasty mistake...........so why don't you F Off and Troll someone else?
  2. Yeah those lazy good for nothing 665 who had the gall to travel to Sheffield on a cold windy Sunday morning......... should be setting more of an example to our poor underpaid squad? Damn Right
  3. I am not offering a solution.........if only i could? But I am beginning to seriously wonder if Nige is up to the job? Purely an observation, after today's abject performance, which was a really poor set up. While I appreciate the lack of depth, the available resources were not utilised as well as they could have been? So Do we stick or twist?
  4. Dear Nige Please never play Bakinson in an away match again? He is not up to it, and will only let you down. IMHO. PS Occasional limited appearances at home are allowed, but only when we are 2 to 3 goals ahead, and then only in the last 10 minutes. Thanks.
  5. I would have thought that you try to introduce a style of play that suits the limited resources you have available....you recognise their limitations, and try to form a structure that suits those players? And Making the best of what you have is patently something Nige has not achieved. I am really disappointed in him, I really thought he would bring in some structure and impetus, I would have to say he is a 5/10 failure so far. But we are stuck with him, he can possibly redeem himself by his actions in the january window...........but i'm not holding my breath.
  6. Yep..... I'll give you that, it was a chink of light amongst the general gloom. But it was hardly a blockbuster of attractive attacking football?................What is wrong with me? Sorry that ain't never gonna happen Ha!
  7. Have to agree..........it would take a manager/coach of immense patience and fortitude to make something out of this disparate bunch. I cannot think of anyone. So I guess we're stuck with Nige, until a miracle occurs? Ha!
  8. All that i would have hoped, considering we are a pretty average bunch of limited players......that by now Nige would have found or introduced a style of play that suits the players we have available to us? I don't think he is anywhere near doing that? For me, that shows his lack of imagination and skill as a manager?
  9. I haven't seen you......but it doesn't take much imagination to conclude what type of person you are?
  10. I agree.......but when will we be entertained. We are such a dull team, it makes it tough viewing?
  11. Charming............but then again,.... .I've noticed you often comment, when you have had absolutely nothing to say, you pedant
  12. Lansdowns time at this club is up?? Have you really thought through what you have just said? Despite his failings, and at times, poor appointments.....have you any idea where we would be without Steve Lansdown? Clue - It would not be the Championship?
  13. Who rattlled your cage? If I am not watching the match, and just following the OTIB site................how could i know he was on the deck for 10 minutes.....boy genius? I wrongly assumed it was just another Baker injury in the long line of Baker injuries, which was a mistake, I wish him a speedy recovery. But he is often his own worst enemy, by the way he plays.......The Worm has now said more than emough?
  14. yeah being a Collier you'd know all about digging? Even so....I have no idea what your point is?
  15. Which was my point exactly........but apparently unlike your tactful observation, when I made a similar comment I was shot down in flames? I must learn how to express myself in a more diplomatic fashion like u Major?.
  16. I did not see the incident...and i apologise if i offended you. I assumed it was yet another injury in the long line of ~Baker injuries......which was obviously a mistake. However I wish him a happy recovery? Don't you think Worm is a little personal from someone who spends his days bouncing?
  17. Calm down.........I think if anger is the issue, you should take a look at your comment. I was unaware of the level of the injury, as I cannot watch us today. However as i have posted elsewhere, if you care to look? I rate Baker as a brave competitive 100% footballer, but due to his way of playing, he is always injured? That is what I mean by the "point of `Baker " Anyhow I wish him well, but we all know when he comes back...he will almost certainly get injured again?
  18. He is brave, he is competitive, he is Mr 100 %........but he is always injured. That is what I mean by what is the point of Baker? I think he is great, but if he is never on the pitch, what is the point?
  19. If I could bet on Baker spending more time in the treatment room than the pitch throughout any season.....I would be a rich man? Seriously what is the point of Baker? If he hardly ever plays?
  20. Apparently I am sad and confused.....surely no more so than the current players representing Bristol City?
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