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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Lightweight sums he up, he's not commited enough in the tackle, and his positional play is sub standard. He might well succeed elsewhere, in the right team, but IMHO, I would get rid of him, and bring in a stronger and smarter left back if possible.
  2. Alex's 3 performances in central midfield for England U 19's during the break clearly show the ability of this young man, and while playing in a well drilled and relatively successful side will hopefully have boosted his confidence, the transition to a poorly organised struggling adult team doesn't do him any favours? I think he needs to be used sparingly, until our team finds some kind of stability? He's gonna be a quality footballer eventually, so lets not ruin him, by expecting too much, too soon?
  3. The quote on the BBC Football website from Nige is intriguing?..................."Certain individuals are not on side, and I will do everything I can to get rid of them" So It would seem that there are still a few bad apples in the squad, who need to be jettisoned?
  4. Don't be too delirious about it? Come 5.00 pm Saturday........ Nige and the rest of us will all probably be feeling sick again?. Please forgive my cynicism, but until I see some major improvements in our performances, I am leaning towards a pessimistic outlook. Of course I hope i am wrong, but just because Nige is back, and we have had 2 weeks off , I am not expecting a sudden epiphany?
  5. In extreme paranoia....a nightmare scenario awaits? The Gas get to the 3rd round and we get drawn against them at home. I would not be confident. NO........surely it's too horrible to contemplate! ?
  6. Thanks to Reading''s 6 point deduction we have moved up to 18th in the Table. Praise be that 2 clubs have had points taken away, we just have to now hope that some indescretion can be found in Hull's finance's? ( Could we perhaps hire a private detective?)......and then we might, just might stay up?
  7. When I saw "Help Please".........I thought Curtis has finally got round to joining OTIB?
  8. Which means? Sorry computer acting up Ha!
  9. Not so much a dive..........more of a belly flop with a reverse twist......with no degree of difficulty? If anyone considers this acceptable? , they are in need of an urgent appointment at Specsavers. If this occured in the Prem, I could honestly see Amartey getting a ban, or at the very least a card, he is, IMHO, a cheat?
  10. No Williams No Semenyo No Baker..........What's the point i ask myself?, if it is not to get long term absentees some playing time?
  11. Touch him?........he sneezed on him? Amartey goes down slower than a myopic sloth giving a blow job? The whole event is a complete clusterpheck
  12. Bongkuhle Hlongwane.............the well known anagram?
  13. Oh Yep that is really relevant.........do you also believe in Unicorns and the Abominable Snowman?
  14. You and Roe aren't referees by any chance? A genuine mistake.?...what like Henry's handball against Ireland?
  15. You can see why the Ref gave it?............are you serious?
  16. Just watched a Video Of South Africa losing to Ghana in a World Cup Qualifier that has eliminated Bafana Bafana from qualification. The defeat is by 1-0 with a penalty that not only takes the biscuit as one of the worst decision's possible.........but quite probably also takes whole frigging bakery!! Ha! Almartey of Leicester should of been sent off for cheating, but the Sengalese referee is a disgrace, and must have had a stack of cash on 1-0? It will be investigated, after an official protest by South Africa. It is on You Tube, and well worth a look. Don't you just love African football?
  17. This really is my last word on the matter, because probably like you i am fed up with this pointless saga.........You might well have considered me as pathetic, but as you have alluded to the term "factually correct" can I remind you, that in fact you called Gary Lineker's social media posts pathetic, which had partially prompted my initial response. Please I beg you do not reply......that's a wrap.
  18. I would never beat a Lemur?........but even so I am definitely impressed
  19. I have just sat through a recording of the U19 game played yesterday in Stockholm between England and the Swiss U19's......though I will admit to using the Fast Forward button a few times. Alex Scott lined up in central midfield, and played the entire 90 mimutes. It was a very dull and boring 0-0 draw, hence the fast forwarding, I was surprised at the lack of technical skill, and level of passing ability. The sides cancelled each other out, with defences on top, aided by two incompetent forward lines. Not one player stood out amongst them all, with a lack of flair or creativity most definitely evident. Alex had a steady unspectacular game, he did the simple things well, but failed whenever he attempted a killer pass, which wasn't often, due to the poor running and postional play of the England forward line. I would mark Alex as a 6, as he did his job in central midfield efficiently, he was involved in all the free kicks we won, and in the last couple of minutes, from the left side, put in a peach of cross right onto a forwards head, which he should have buried for the winner...............but in keeping with the rest of the match he somehow headed it wide. So well done Alex, who will hopefully play in the final game against Sweden on Tuesday.......in which England will need to up their game if they want a positive result? PS It was a bit like watching City, really, with little quality passing, and few goal attempts.......but at least the U19's have the genuine excuse of being young and still learning the game? Ha!
  20. I have resisted mentioning it until now, but as you are constantly harping on that you are apparently Mr Media expert, I thought i would point it out, as you never shut up about your 30 years, as man and boy? I worked at the BBC Whiteladies Road and London TV Centre for a combination of 14 years, most of the time on location or in a studio, I then went freelance. I have seen Michael Burke, Johnny Morris and Chris Packham, among many others close up and using an auto cue. I have never met Gary Lineker, but I can see he is a natural in front of the camera, who makes a difficult job look easy. Calling someone "pathetic" , who you have never met or spent time with, is in my eyes trolling...............Now please go away, Mr Media Tycoon.
  21. For a sneering troll.....you are very easily wound up. Lighten up.
  22. That is without doubt the most biased, hostile drivel it has been my misfortune to read about an outstanding Ex England International footballer and consummate broadcaster, but then again, seeing as it is quite obvious that you are an expert at how a TV studio and broadcast works, you are entitled to your opinion? Ha! ?
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