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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. You'll be complaining about kids listening to Metallica next..............Ha! ?
  2. All this AND the appalling way imported labour were exploited, treated and poorly paid during the stadium's constructions.........Qatar is not a country i would ever wish to visit
  3. What day was it played? And please do you know how many minutes Williams and Semenyo played?
  4. Nimes are currently 13th in Ligue 2 of French footie........which is in comparative terms even lower than where we are!! Can we please swap O' Dowda for our lost prodigal son.................Nicholas Elliason. I know it is just far fetched wishful thinking, but I would love to see him back?
  5. And their pheckin boots? Ha!
  6. Just got a phone call....apparently my name came up in the Tombola.....so i will be doing my best to organise a 9-1 -1 formation depending on whose fit? if anyone has any advice or ideas?, then mind your own business, and keep it to yourself, as it's my turn this week. ?
  7. Diony currently on loan at Red Star Belgrade from Angers FC.......he is now 28, and should be in his peak years? But it would seem that he had his time in the sun, at Dijon FC between the ages of 22-25, when he was scoring comparitively regularly ..........27 in 107 games. Now increasingly approaching his Sell By Date? Still probably made a few quid out of it, but flattered to deceive, and is an average journeyman who never fullfilled early promise? `One goal in 8 appearances at RSB. Most definitely a nearly man?
  8. Big shout out to our very own Alex Scott .......who completed 63 minutes in the England V Andorra Under 19 International in Sweden today. Well done Alex, may your career continue to thrive, and best of luck in the next couple of match's against Switzerland this coming Saturday, and then again, against Sweden on Tuesday.
  9. What about Peterborough? Come on daveFevs you are clutching at straws? Nothing excuses the tactics and substitutions he employed at Coventry, he was completely out of his depth..........they were pathetic and contemptible IMHO PS Dean Holden was also a wonderful human and a proper football man? So were Bobby Charlton, Nobby Stiles, Alan Ball, Ossie Ardiles......need I go on?
  10. My apologies if i misinterpreted your post......it did seem a little ambiguous? Maybe it was the lack of commas?
  11. So not only are they useless...........but the majority of them are overpaid and useless?
  12. You have a short memory? They couldn't cope previously when put in temporary charge, and who know's how good at coaching they were anyhow ? I didn't any evidence of their apparent coaching ability having any effect on tactics, formation, passing,ball control etc etc...need I go on?
  13. Well his audition against 10 men.......on Saturday didn't go so well? So I am not holding out much hope for when he's confronted with 11?
  14. maxjak


    Ah! The Lie Performance Centre......Now it all makes sense?
  15. Wilder to Middlesboro...........what a great appointment.
  16. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet................unless it's Danny?
  17. For me ........we need to come back after the break and hope that Williams, James and Semenyo, and possibly Cundy are fit and ready to go. Unfortunately because of the size of the squad, our changes are limited, because there ARE certain players who need to be dropped IMHO? Then we give it 3 or 4 games to see if there is an improvement, and if some of the players have managed grow some cojones over the break? Quite honestly, if there is no noticeable step up in results and performance, then we seriously need to consider changes? I really am hoping that does not happen, but if it does, and we look just as bereft and soft as in the last few games, then Pearson will have to go, as we will be in relegation momentum? I think we will turn it around.......but I would not be betting on it. The next month will be crucial to our survival, and here's hoping that the squad get their act together and show some pride............and please not continue to embarrass the fanbase with their ineptness?
  18. Great end of MOTD show sign off by our Gary............."Daniel Farkes Off" ......"Goodnight".
  19. And so it came to pass....Ha! So Bentley contested the fact that we are a soft touch? Should have just accepted it, as predicted, it is all just talk......to quote Greta, it's all Blah Blah Blah!!!.... as club captain he should be bollocking them all, not trying to paper over the cracks (Canyons ?) Even by our woeful standards, today was a new low ???
  20. Dear Sir. Can I please have my football team back?, they seem to have Phecked off into some kind of comic void where they don't seem to care or be bothered about how they perform or even possess a scrap of pride in their profession? It seems quite possible that they do not give a shit, and are more interested in their latest possession or checking their current bank balance. I have come to realise recently ,that as they can't be phecked to turn up, then neither will I.
  21. We are now a sad joke of a team.....how the players have the audacity to pick up their wages after this performance, is a travesty. I am speechless at how far we have fallen, I feel genuinely embarrassed to say I support this club...........we are a disgrace. In front of 3k City fans who have spent their wages to travel to Coventry. The team that went there in 1976 to gain a 2-2 draw to stay in the then 1st Division would piss all over the rabble who purport to represent the City of Bristol..............I am ashamed.
  22. It is hardly surprising that pessimism is the default setting......given our previous performances.........but maybe today is when it all goes right for us? Though I am not confident ha!!
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