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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Another assist for Semenyo. Regardless of what it says in the stats book, he gets an assist tonight
  2. Surprised by the negativity (well maybe shouldn’t be, it is OTIB!). Club has had zero income for months. £25 for an adult ticket is reasonable.
  3. @View from the Dolman said it was. I need to know who is playing the Paterson song over and over!!
  4. Other countries have managed it so not sure why British clubs can’t
  5. Never going to encourage fans to travel around the country watching football
  6. Surely you can see SOME sense in it? The sense is that clubs desperately need fans back in order to survive and 4000 fans outside in a 25k stadium is lower risk than seeing all your family indoors at Xmas. You might disagree with it but the sense is quite clear.
  7. Couldn’t agree more. If Vyner is soooo out of his depth why wasn’t he tonight or Tuesday?! So many players get written off as not good enough on this forum.
  8. Just had his best game for us and you post this. Wow.
  9. Maybe it being beyond you is down to you not everyone else
  10. If they aren’t good enough for this level they will be relegated and then will be at a lower level.
  11. Expect better than that from you Dave. I live in Bristol, work in Oldham and do business with Chinese factories. Not exactly a unique set up is it! Most people in manufacturing work with Chinese factories!
  12. China showed how to deal with it. Assumed the Tories would do the same. Not my fault they didn’t. China have aggressive local lockdowns and contain the virus very well. As someone who goes to China and know people there I was just communicating what was to be expected. You can have a go at me for that if it makes you feel better
  13. Regarding football I said the football season wouldn’t be cancelled which you called ridiculous. It wasn’t cancelled so who’s the idiot?
  14. Derby 12/1 to make the play offs. Seems far too good a bet to turn down. Value value value!
  15. First fourball golf game for a long time today. Sport is returning!
  16. Opening a pub is a lot more risky than playing a football match, that’s why.
  17. Business’s are opening again. People are going to work whether they can socially distance or not. Why shouldn’t footballers go to work if other employees are? Where people cannot be 2m apart, manage transmission risk Where it’s not possible for people to be 2m apart, you should do everything practical to manage the transmission risk by: considering whether an activity needs to continue for the business to operate A football business can not operate without its players.
  18. Is there any chance stoke can take Afobe back after 1st July? Sure Michael O’Neill might want him
  19. Fingers crossed German football comes through week two okay and English football can copy what they are doing and finish this season. Worry about next season after this one is done
  20. China have apparently discovered a new virus so maybe not 100 years until the next one. I just think whatever decision is made now is the precedent so it must be the correct one
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