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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Or just set a precedent that seasons can be fluid, contracts can run by seasons rather than by dates and work things out now to keep it going and mean that season are never scrapped. It takes something away from the sport if every season could technically be scrapped at some point. Makes it completely ridiculous
  2. So you would scrap it again if a second wave happened or a new virus happened? I just think setting that precedent is crazy.
  3. So you want to scrap the season. What if we start another one and there is another wave? Scrap that one? Start another and then maybe scrap that one? Sounds like fun!
  4. Every option has issues. Carrying on, when safe, has the fewest. It should be quite simple for players to have rolling contracts. Certainly simpler than law suits from the likes of West Brom for lost revenue. Your comment regarding it being too early isn’t relevant in a debate of scrap v finish. German football will hopefully prove what’s achievable.
  5. The discussion was on scrapping the season or not. I said there is no good reason to scrap it. You said the players health was a good reason to scrap the season. Can you explain how it’s healthier to scrap the season rather than finish it when it is safe to do so?
  6. Why don’t you listen to what I am saying before launching a ridiculous tirade about health. Start football again WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. Can you explain why scrapping a season instead of just finishing it improves the risk? Thanks
  7. What? How does scrapping a season improve people’s health? The virus isn’t lesser if the season starts a fresh or if it carries on. Can you expand on your point regarding health?
  8. I don’t get it. Still waiting for a strong argument for scrapping it. Every argument so far can be easily dismissed.
  9. There will always be some squads with positive results to tests. Everyone will have to suck it up and get on with it. Maybe have a rule where a game gets postponed if more than five cases in one squad. Simply cannot scrap the season. If we do and start a new one do we then cancel that if there is a second wave? Like any business, football clubs cannot go through a sustained period of inactivity. Carrying on the season is the least worst option. Testing seems readily available now. Should be looking to get it back in one month and then finishing season by end August latest, allowing for some postponements. Next season to start pretty quickly after that. No need for long break as players are having one now.
  10. There are many options but finishing season whenever risk is classed as small/minimal (it won’t be zero for ages) is the least bad option. I’m yet to hear an argument for scrapping the season that cannot be easily dismissed. Bearing in mind any decision now is the precedent for the future
  11. 6 positive results is an amazing outcome. Get it back as soon as testing is readily available for all this Mate. Breath and chill
  12. Glad you put lockdown in quotation marks (I didn’t !) as this is not a true lockdown. Wonder if they will regret calling it a lockdown if it has to get harsher and actually become one .
  13. Have the general public been that bad with lockdown rules? Impossible to say For sure but I reckon over 95% of people are following rules. It was never going to be 100%
  14. I am not criticising our government for not getting things open but I am criticising them for acting too slowly from the off. If they had acted quicker in all areas (PPI, testing, stopping people coming in) then things would be a lot better now.
  15. Nothing wrong with bringing politics into it if politics is the reason we are where we are. Whether I was wrong or not remains to be seen but also isn’t really relevant. I hope your sister is able to stay safe. I thought I would care as to how football seasons were resolved but couldn’t give a damn anymore. Will be interesting to see if this changes people’s love of sport long term.
  16. So many errors here. 1. I didn’t defend the Chinese. I said they got factories open and life back to relative normality so I thought the UK government would do the same. Who could have guessed the government would get it so wrong? 2. I have not slated my own country. I’ve slated my country’s government. There is a difference 3. Whether I have national pride or not is completely irrelevant.
  17. Guess who’s back, back again, stalkers back, tell your friends! Why do you put ‘work contacts’ in brackets? Do you not think they exist. I think I’ve explained the situation before but heck I will repeat it for you. Two things: 1. The people I work with in China advised how it was going over there and I saw how quickly factories reopened. I didn’t allow for this government. 2. The football season hasn’t been cancelled yet so your gloating is premature. Just thought of a third point. To be gleeful and smug (whether premature or not) whilst people are dying is in very poor taste mate.
  18. Perhaps I’ve not read it correctly. Didn’t realise that people still working had taken pay cuts as well.
  19. Why would it be strange? Lots of companies are doing that
  20. Would be good to wait to get it confirmed before fans pile on though
  21. Has it been confirmed that Bristol City aren’t topping up the 80% to full wages?
  22. A company making £15m losses per year claims furlough for staff who cannot work. Seems fair to me.
  23. People can have underlying conditions without knowing about it so who knows the truth
  24. Do we actually know if any/many healthy people are dying? Not sure we know much for sure at the moment. Anyone said to have died with any underlying conditions could well have the word ‘known’ added before underlying to add accuracy
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