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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Can’t they just disinfect the area before the players arrive, players are then tested and they can play if they don’t have it?
  2. Posts 5410 and 5411 and then a few earlier in thread. If I was condescending then I apologise but I didn’t appreciate your reply. Nobody on this whole thread as far as I can see has advocated testing footballers before sick people. You must have a dim view of people to think they might. Sorry that your family have been affected. Mine has as well. Worrying times especially being led by an inept government which is where my anger lies
  3. It’s being planned though https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/efl-open-letter-to-supporters/
  4. If you honestly think anyone is advocating testing footballers before they are readily available to all then you are completely wrong.
  5. Blimey mate calm down. Read the full thread. Football isn’t starting yet is it. We can test footballers if tests are readily available.
  6. Didn’t actually mean piping noise into grounds. Just from the tv studio. Definitely better than silence
  7. Piping in crowd noise would be rubbish but silence would be rubbisher
  8. It always is whenever England have to do it. Pretty sure they’ve had a few over the years away from home. Certainly one last year that was dull. They need to have crowd noise. Not difficult to arrange and turn the vociferousness of the crowd up and down according to where the ball is
  9. Test them before every game. How are you expecting it to work if not testing? They are planning for mid June start again. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen but don’t you think they have thought about player safety? We will get to a point where tests are readily available.
  10. But we aren’t talking about football starting now. Why do we have to wait for a vaccine? Why can’t we just wait for more tests to be available?
  11. Why can’t players just be tested and if they don’t have it they can play ?
  12. Why can’t people just debate things without being told to stop? We have the time!
  13. The clubs have to decide what happens with players out of contract. Do teams renew them monthly? We wouldn’t want Wright or Taylor so they would just leave and join a new club I would guess. Club is getting player for free so there would be demand
  14. Agreed. 50% season is fine as, as you say, everyone knows the rules before it starts. That point is so crucial
  15. If football couldnt restart until say, October or November then I would be happy with this I guess. Cancelling the season or finishing the season in current positions should definitely not happen though
  16. If you don’t want to talk about sport then don’t. Nobody is claiming it’s of huge importance. A lot of time on our hands now and part of that is spent talking about sport.
  17. Villa have a game in hand. If they win that they are out of the bottom three. What happens then? Also send a team down on goal difference if they had an easier run in than someone one place above them doesn’t feel very fair at all. Need to work on a fair solution. The new season doesn’t have to start in August
  18. Who has said September? Haven’t seen that news article. Clearly any talk of football starting in June Is being done on the assumption that testing will be readily available. If it’s not then obviously it cannot start. Not seen September mentioned though so if you have that article would like to read it. Cheers
  19. Currently yes but as we all know, one month is a very long time right now
  20. Or just finish the season when football is safe to be played again! Why is next season more important than this season? One very important difference. Football will be played again when testing is readily available which means the arguments against are moot
  21. I would estimate that furloughing non playing staff would cost a Premier League club £1m, max. Would be odd for them to be claiming that back from the government seeing as they get minimum £100m per year
  22. Play all games behind closed doors with tested players. All games streamed, free for season ticket holders. £10 per game for non STH. Play games as per current fixture list And nobody will be doing to behind closed doors games...not just you NTTDS !
  23. Arguably it’s been better than normal! Certainly no worse
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