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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Well if players are not being tested then they cannot play football. Simple as that. Lee Johnson planning for 15th May return to training and mid June return to matches.
  2. If every player is tested and don’t have it then is the risk anything other than tiny? I would say no.
  3. Will be played behind closed doors and players will be tested
  4. I would say any good business person in any industry would be looking at their business like this. Protect what you have first and foremost and then try to capitalise on opportunities as they present themselves. Football will start again before a vaccine is created.
  5. Voiding it makes no sense to me. One day it will be okay to play football again. Just finish it then.
  6. Lee Johnson spoke very well on Five Live this evening. As usual. When football kicks off again I think we will be ready and do well
  7. really hope it can be played behind closed doors and televised. People will start needing things to focus on soon, especially if we hit a bad weather patch
  8. When he says reduced from himself I hope he means none!! Can’t work on furlough at all
  9. That’s fair enough. I agree with you that I have no great urge to see us as part of the Prem elite....perhaps that’s why I’m Johnson In !
  10. You say ‘when will these players join the real world’. Who are ‘these players’? Grealish and Walker is two from many. I think it’s good to not go over the top because of a few bad eggs.
  11. Chance to slag off the club taken despite vast majority of clubs not doing it yet. Just wait and see eh
  12. Tory MPs clapping nurses less than a year after cheering the House of Commons down when they won a vote to stop a nurse pay rise. Amazing
  13. How would you punish them? Would you not want proof that it was started intentionally first? Or would you punish them anyway?
  14. If anyone who lives near BS7, can’t get out and cannot do home deliveries, but needs some essentials, please DM me. Doing my next shop in 2-3 days and happy to buy a few things and leave them on your doorstep.
  15. It doesn’t matter if business is essential or not. Can order pretty much anything on line and it will be delivered
  16. Crazy isn’t it. More likely he is wrong I guess as lots saying it’s on there and there is Official looking text to back that up. I don’t think the guidelines are strong enough and police have no powers it seems.
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