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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. You can drop children to each other’s house. That’s allowed in the guidelines.
  2. I recommend everyone to watch Trump’s press conference just then. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. USA first day over 100 deaths. Trump talking about virus in past tense. Says normal flu kills more people. Says economy is back. Moving on. More people will commit suicide if economy is bad than will die from covid. USA wasn’t built to be shut down apparently.
  3. Any idea about online? Can online companies only sell essentials?
  4. So confused! Is it essential work can continue or not?! I’m not pretending kids toys are essential but online sales are excellent at the moment. And the likes of Argos will need more soon. Am I supposed to shut my warehouse even if we could have skeleton staff all adhering is distancing?
  5. Because we don’t have a full grip on this virus. No joined up thinking
  6. Is anyone falling out with family members who aren’t conducting themselves properly in all this? Brexit caused family arguments so assuming this is as well. Fallen out with my brother who is being quite selfish.
  7. Tennis is an individual sport?! Haha. Think this isolation is burning your brain cells mate.
  8. Okay, I won’t go to shops until this is over. 2-3 months you reckon? Hope I don’t starve. Knobhead
  9. Criticised for what? Buying food for my family, taking food to my in-laws or fulfilling nurses requests? Which one?
  10. He just judges people from his home and feeds off his own ego I think. Criticises people who have taken time to fulfill nurses wishes. Quite amazing really.
  11. Going to a shop is necessary to survive. Playing tennis isn’t. That’s why it’s unbelievable.
  12. Didn’t come into contact with people. They have set up ways to receive morale boosting gifts. If you think they are just letting people come in and out of hospital willy nilly then you are very naive
  13. The nurses have asked for it and set up a safe zone to receive things like this. What’s your problem? Shall I tell them to piss off?
  14. Went out yesterday to get food and take food to my vulnerable in laws. Went out today to take cakes to the hospital to keep morale up for the nurses. Before that I self isolated for two weeks. is that okay with you ? Stop being a knob.
  15. Going to be touching stuff there like the net etc. Virus can live for days. Just stay in innit unless out for good
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