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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Touching the same tennis balls so distance is irrelevant really. And one game was doubles!
  2. Someone is needy. Answers above. And no need to keep messaging me or for flippancy
  3. So you are happy for me to take food to my in laws and bake cakes for NHS staff then to help with their morale? Cheers.
  4. Did you get @Harry permission before stepping out of your house? He doesn’t want anyone going out ever. Even if to get food or to take food to a vulnerable relative.
  5. I drove down Gloucester Road you numpty. I wasn’t out in Glos Road! How are you getting your food?
  6. No doubt. Make sure you wash your hair properly later what with all that sand in it!
  7. If you think that Johnson goes up to the scientists and says “what is our policy then?’ And they tell him what’s best and he says “okay, thanks. We will do that then”, you are woefully naive. Or you can say we are on course to repeat Italy despite having two weeks on them!!
  8. You’re coming across as naive https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexwickham/10-days-that-changed-britains-coronavirus-approach
  9. Correlation of the people not getting it and people who voted Brexit must be quite high I’d say
  10. We are exactly the same as Italy in stats and also in the public’s relaxed attitude to isolation and social distancing. Italian people now talk of regret in their early actions. The UK People are copying those early actions
  11. If they were doing all they can then I wouldn’t mention it would i. More testing please Boris and gang. Unless they want people to get it I guess
  12. And UK still isn’t testing....incredibly people happy with BJ and gang
  13. https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexwickham/10-days-that-changed-britains-coronavirus-approach
  14. So despite Italy being two weeks ahead of us we learnt nothing in those two weeks and are now tracking them. Great
  15. Movement around the city. London is a lot lower than normal but still way too high. Other major cities in the UK pretty similar to London
  16. London still ‘moving’ and much more than other major cities. There are going to be so many deaths in the next two weeks. At least 3000 surely. Will people change their attitude then?!
  17. Nobody is throwing around personal insults so why do you feel the need?
  18. I asked him why he was there and he said he didn’t need to be home as he’s not over 70 ! Beggars belief
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