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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Thank god they’ve shut the pub. Mate of mine just sent me photo of him in a packed pub
  2. I don’t think it’s that tricky. If you had no money you couldn’t stay at home as would be unable to feed yourself or your children. I wouldn’t blame someone for passing on the virus in these circumstances. Employers and/or government would be to blame
  3. If I was struggling to make ends meet and in that cleaners position then I would be going out and working wherever I could. If you can’t afford to stay at home then you can’t afford to stay at home. it’s as simple as that. I think most people would be on the side of the worker here.
  4. I am basing it on the probability of me knowing 4 people that have had it if only 0.08% of the country has had it. Doesnt make sense.
  5. Seems a naively low figure to me. To say 0.08% of the population has had it when I personally know 4 people that have had it and a fair few celebs have had it doesn’t seem right.
  6. Literally nobody is estimating that 35,000 have had the virus as far as I can see. Where you getting that from? Seems like an incredibly low number
  7. So your original question wasn’t really genuine at all. The government has made mistakes. That’s quite hard to deny. Up to each individual how forgiving they are for those mistakes. WHO said that our approach was wrong for a few days and we then changed our approach. The WHO were not talking in hindsight.
  8. Vaccine will be over a year away. Humans have already been given a vaccine, animal testing skipped. Need to then monitor those people for 14 months to see vaccine side affects
  9. Sorry to hear you might lose your business. Reasons to be hopeful. No need to be flippant
  10. https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/coronavirus-bus-driver-thinks-he-has-covid-19-but/ Cases like this will be quite common. The government have assumed that 30% of people will flout the rules so I guess this sort of thing is accounted for
  11. So who is lying? Me? The factories? Proof is in the pudding mate
  12. You don’t believe them? Well you are wrong. I work with these people. If I order 50k of X and they can ship to me just one week later than normal then does it suggest they are lying?
  13. Factories now all but open. Capacity over 80% now. China nearly back to normal just 4 months after first case.
  14. In three months time the majority of the nation might have had this virus and be immune. But nobody will know as there is no testing. Crazy situation
  15. One Pretty big retailer is going BOGOF on everything in store tomorrow for probably a few weeks. Cash is king!
  16. My holiday to center Parcs has been cancelled. Kids a bit sad!
  17. Is there anyone left who really cares about when the football season restarts? Surely this has all got a bit bigger than sport
  18. Look at what other leaders are doing and how they are acting. This is their first crisis like this as well. Stop apologising for him.
  19. What if I think he has screwed over industry today and is only paying self employed people statutory pay to self isolate? Two things that have nothing to do with health advisors? You might be okay with it but plenty aren’t
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