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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. If he instructed people to not attend then the companies in question could claim on insurance. As he has only advised then they can’t. Thus protecting insurance companies
  2. I have been ill and at home for a week along with my son. My daughter was ill prior to this and passed it on. Johnson now says that we should self isolate for two weeks. I am now fine, my son is now fine. My daughter has been fine for a week. But we should all self isolate for two weeks? Even though we are pretty damn sure it isn’t covid. So the advice is even if you’ve probably not got covid, please stay at home for two weeks.
  3. Daily UK press conferences from now on so hopefully that will change
  4. Would the players be made to play under Force Majeure? Would make most sense but no idea if it can apply in this sense or if it needs to be actually stated in contracts when signed
  5. Herd immunity tactics when we don’t know if immunity from the virus lasts forever at this stage is pretty mad I reckon. Scientists are saying there is no way of knowing if someone can get reinfected and with most Coronavirus’s you can
  6. Agree it wouldn’t be fair but I think it needs to be a case of finding the most non-worst option. Cancelling season would be better than taking position as they are now. Sending Bournemouth down on goal difference with 9 games left would be insane. Other option is to finish the season whenever football is safe to play again and then having 2-3 years of weird season dates as we try to move back to a August to May season
  7. The way I see it is Cancel Season - lawsuits from the likes of Liverpool, Leeds and West Brom Take current positions - lawsuits from likes of Fulham, Villa, Bournemouth Play behind closed doors - no lawsuits
  8. Football is essential to football clubs though and huge business.
  9. I am not interested in arguing or mud throwing especially on a subject where none of us really know what we are talking about. No need to lie though. I said the season would never be cancelled. I didn’t say it wouldn’t be suspended. Back to the grown up conversation: Footballers aren’t immune I agree. But nor are any other workers who have to go to work so what is the difference?
  10. Why is getting 30 players in a stadium to play football higher risk than 300 kids going to school? Maybe I’m being dumb but I don’t get it. Stoping spectators is of use as it severely reduces the chances of spread.
  11. Can someone explain why the season can’t just be completed behind closed doors? Inconvenience to fans but surely it’s the answer
  12. The season will have to be finished behind closed doors as far as I can see. By far the easiest and least controversial option
  13. Just seems unlikely that with 20% of the season left to just say ‘scrap it’
  14. A lot of people were saying the season would not be CANCELLED. Now it is effectively postponed we see posters throwing mud even though it hasn’t been CANCELLED. There is a difference between cancellation and postponement. Not sure if it’s ignorance or posters wilfully being wrong. If anyone would like to explain how a cancellation would work, I’d be most interested. Just cannot see it but willing to listen to views on how it could happen
  15. FA spokesman suggested a football manager simulator for the final games and then play offs behind closed doors
  16. No doubt there will be postponements but cancelling a whole season would cause uproar.
  17. Johnson saying they ‘have done what they can to keep it under control’. Clearly that’s untrue.
  18. Absolutely. The Tory governments approach so far is most surprising
  19. Seems that way yes. Tories think otherwise for some reason
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