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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Dunno. Not spoke to him. China new cases have plateaued though. A lot of factories now back open and capacity growing weekly. Cheers
  2. Can only change it once a year apparently. Do you actually think the season will be cancelled rather than postponed? Honestly? What would happen with all the results so far, just ignore them ?
  3. Yep just done this. Have now told my family members to chill the F out!
  4. I’ve got to self isolate even if I’m not having COV symptoms? Time to call NHS direct for clarity I guess I don’t understand. Care to explain?
  5. I’ve been ill the last two days. Typical flu symptoms not COV19 symptoms. I’m not getting pressure from my family to go to get tested. Surely if everyone who feels poorly goes to get tested that would not help the NHS strain? I’m saying no I will just stay in bed for 48 hours until I feel better. Am I wrong?!
  6. Nice to know how often you think about me. Has the season been cancelled then? That’s what I called ridiculous. I can’t see that it has. Perhaps you can send me a link!
  7. There are four spaces midweek between now and the end of the season I believe so surely we could fill them in if a few games get cancelled? Sure if it comes to it a one week extension is very achievable. Still don’t think the season will be cancelled
  8. Exactly. Read experts opinions. That’s the best thing to do instead of guessing like so many are doing. Guessing with no knowledge
  9. Thought I’d click on one post to see what nonsense you have posted again. Blocking you is better than interacting. More lies. Never said Corbyn would win. Before this season I went to 25 games a season. 10 this season for reasons explained. Careful you don’t get another ban for sending threats on a forum. Big strong Bob. Back to being blocked.
  10. No problem. We’ve all done it. Not healthy to agree with bob though! First sign of madness!
  11. Well that is the percentage of the UK that has had the virus so far as I understand it. About 170-odd cases.
  12. I haven’t gone to as many games as I would have liked this season. Thankfully I get to watch all the games I cannot attend at home. The reasons I have only attended about 10 games this season is two fold. Two separate serious family illnesses which mean I have to be at home a lot. Hope that’s okay with you. Fingers crossed. Ive blocked bob so no idea what that part of the conversation is about but no doubt he was slagging me off the same as he slags most off
  13. Doubled from an extremely low base. When we are talking such low numbers it is no surprise it has risen. Look at the facts and numbers and you will see the chances of contracting anything is very remote. Not sure how much you are across all of this. As I’ve said in previous posts, I have to get advice from experts for business reasons. I am just taking what I am told from experts as facts at the time I am told. Nothing else. Maybe you have similar exposure to people in the know, I’ve no idea. Still stand by it being ridiculous to suggest the season might be cancelled or postponed but let’s wait and see eh. Would be very surprised with a chance of getting CV at around 0.0000024%
  14. I think the panic is shown with the stockpiling. Why people are stock piling toilet roll, pasta and tinned goods I really do not know! Absolutely ridiculous
  15. When was I wrong? I said it would be ridiculous to cancel or postpone the season. And it would be. There is barely a case in this country! Again, that wasn’t wrong. China situation is improving. If it isn’t why are factories opening again and capacity increasing? 15% capacity last week. 25% this week. I’ve got a 2-3 week delay on goods. Not too bad. Thanks for confirming my correct statements. Seems like you are allowing the hyped up media to sweep you up. Have I suggested we act irresponsibly? Your post is very odd indeed. Everyone should go about their lives as normal and take the recommended precautions. Not attending football matches is not currently a recommended precaution.
  16. I would hope the answer to this is no, especially non-elderly people or people with medical conditions. Chances of catching anything are so remote. Live your life, people!
  17. Italian games behind closed doors till April. Surely UK would just do the same and not cancel the season?!
  18. Don’t think anyone would claim to be an expert but there is certainly a lot of concern. Not necessarily from a plague point of view but from a business one. Opinions and advice from all quarters are being sought. Look at the stock market.
  19. Cheers. Got back to hotel as staying local to ground. Fingers crossed I am correct about virus. Not for ego but if it gets really back I might be unemployed soon!!
  20. Yes they are. One off matches. Not a whole season. Unless I’ve missed something. You can keep quoting the word ridiculous if you want but, as I’ve said, time will tell. Wait and see. If it gets so bad that a whole Football season affected we will have much more important things to worry about than a few words on a forum.
  21. Well that was always going to be the case. If it is getting better already in China then it’s not the virus people are talking about it being. If that’s correct then the football season won’t be cancelled. Which is why I said it was ridiculous. Guess time will tell. As I’ve said before, I’m talking to people in the thick of it regularly. Another call 6:30am tomorrow. I am sure there are different bits of advice etc but all I can do is take the people I trust and have worked with for over 10 years at face value
  22. At the moment I’d still say it was. China factories open at 15% capacity at the moment which is better than last week. Last week I had one vessel confirmed for March out of 25. Got three now. In daily conversations with China. Seems to be slowly getting better there.
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