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samo II

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Everything posted by samo II

  1. BBC mobile site for City doesn't make for the best juxtaposition of stories just now. Not Cotts finest pre-match piece of press, all things considered.
  2. And that our only other one we ended up selling to a team who just beat the shit out us inside 35 minutes at home. We cut our own throats this summer.
  3. Kodjia gets one. Good for his value, but little else.
  4. Saw that. The slimmest of silver linings, but a sliver lining all the same.
  5. Well, upside is players of any quality cost a fortune now at this level, so if he jumps ship then we'll be able to squeeze someone for serious coin. The very fact this is the only upside sums up our day/season. At least MK and Rotherham are losing; maybe we'll still have a chance if there are three other teams in as dire straights as we are come the turn of the year, though depressing how early I'm looking to other results...
  6. Any signs of life? Ca we at least expect to have Kodjia bump up his value with another goal? Wonder what is going through that lad's head, what with his old team flying in France's top league?
  7. Encouraging piece of history there. Thought it might have been Leicester last relegation season, but guess they 'only' beat us 4 nil. For the record too; when you see the shots count is 5 to 6 yet they have 4 goals and we have none; perhaps puts into perspective why it is we were throwing down big sums to try and get forwards - in this league you cannot waist chances, and we do constantly.
  8. Well, shit. When was the last time we have were 4 nil down at half time? Game was over at 3 nil; avoidance of utter humiliation is now the only goal today. Wonder if we'll bother putting on any of the 3-4 attacking players we have to try and at least do that?
  9. I'd have preferred it if they'd not nicked a win late this weekend; that's a hell of a boost. Fingers crossed our own win levels that out.
  10. If offered a point right now, would take it in a heartbeat. Keep unbeaten going into the next game with a little bit more rest, and go at Cardiff for a win there. Brighton must have something about them, so worried we'll get overwhelmed.
  11. I unfortunately have to completely agree - if that is what it has come down to with a fifth of the season gone, then we have to accept we are rightly relegation favourites now - We can't drop points to teams on runs like MK have come off in the manner we have today and expect anything else. Bottom going into the second international break; just three points from our last six games; worse goal difference in the division - at this point I don't care about how good the performances may have been in spells; we are doing crap, and whether it is new blood into the squad, tactics, whatever; Cotts and the team need to mix it up - immediately. We actually had a better goal difference and only one point fewer ten games into the season that SO'D got sacked, and like that season the only bright light is a striker who clearly is a cut above his colleagues - delighted for Kodjia, who is going some to show how actually putting money on the table and investing in players rather than sitting on our hands should have been the way forward. And for those who'll point at 36 remaining games and saying "108 points still to play for; calm down"; well, MK Dons, Preston and the other teams above us also still have the same amount of points to play for - difference is, they have a head start on us, and seem more capable of getting them, and with every failure to win (forget draws; they are worthless to us where we are now), obtaining more of that rapidly vanishing stockpile of points is a harder and harder task. We've not time to mess about now; until we're a handful of places outside that drop zone, every game is a cup final.
  12. Agard on, according to BBC text - ten minutes to stretch them.
  13. Interesting substitution - wouldn't say it's defensive, but nice to see Robinson being used; think he can offer us something this season.
  14. Understand the thinking behind keeping Wilbraham on/maintaining the starting eleven, but surely now is the time to throw on someone like Burns or Agard to run at them and/or hit them on the break? Really could not stomach a later equalizer again this week... :/
  15. Ignore my previous post; please can the games end now instead...?
  16. Good point. Keep slimming down the subs, and by January we can finally afford Mr Gayle's wage demanded! Major; you're a genius.
  17. 7 players gives you 7 options to change things; it's something the opposition have at their disposal, so why limit and deny ourselves that? We've got a good point today; no question, and while I don't share the idea that a 6 person bench is in any way making us look amateur, it is more than just not bothering to fill it - it limits SC's options, and even if he rarely changes his team's, he doesn't tend to run with a cut-size bench, so I think this is a message.
  18. I'd have been happy with a point pre-game, so that's a good start to what hopefully is an improvement in our fortunes. Still concerned at our inability to keep out goals, and quite what is going on with our bench; fancy it might be a sign to the board that SC needs some backing, perhaps?
  19. That is true, but you can put a few of them down it it, and in several cases, it is those few that make the difference. We've started slow, and look a little naive as to how ruthless this league will be, but the silver lining is that despite all this, we are competing, and with 4 in 6 (7 if you count the league cup), in Kodjia we've a striker who is finding his feet, and a couple of Premier League loan defenders stop to bed in. Worth also mentioning Brum are no mugs; unbeaten this season so far, and think the performance and result versus Preston will be a better indicator of our long term fate.
  20. We've conceded two corners today, and limited them to zero other chances; not sure the formation is the problem, more our inability to finish the masses of chances the formation give us.
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