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Betty Swallocks

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Everything posted by Betty Swallocks

  1. Talking of Windass, does anyone know if he's managed to pick himself off the sticky floor of Chasers yet? Its bad enough having your footwear being stuck to the floor in there never mind being put on your ass....
  2. Online gambling is everywhere you look, if you have an addiction it must be as hard if not harder than an alcoholic who tries to avoid booze. As others have said money would have been better spent trying to help rather than prosecute.
  3. I bet that weirdo Watkins has got one of these
  4. I find it amusing how the sags really will find the positives in everything they see. There can be nothing positive about having a charging order placed on your only asset.
  5. I can only imagine the person(s) who have significant control of them would rather be in breach of HRMC law than being publicly associated with that rabble.
  6. He must have been a mug to play for them lot.
  7. You can keep terracing for as long as you like in League One. Hopefully in the not too distant future all clubs will be allowed to have terracing.
  8. They do struggle with numbers and figures that lot. I mean the manager rated their star striker at £10,000,000 and then sold him two weeks later for £300,000........
  9. The sags include people with less IQ than that stuffed bear in their attendance so I don't see any reason why not.
  10. My favourite was the meme that had Messi, Suarez & Neymar kitted up in Rovers shirts. In reality it was a reject from Port Vale, an aging defender from Plymouth and some doughnut from Peterborough. But they're coming for us apparently.
  11. He's got a central midfielder who can sell the Big Issue for him..... he looks the part as well.
  12. Desperate times? What is there to be feeling desperate about? It's only a football forum, maybe your taking all this a bit too seriously.
  13. For someone who's not even remotely interested in them you don't half post a lot in a thread which includes Bristol Rovers in the title.
  14. Next year you'll have seen them progress...... to channel 5, on 'Can't pay? We'll take it away'.
  15. Will it also go into depth why Gillingham didn't want anything to do with them?!
  16. Since when have we started to give a shit about a sags opinion? Whenever I go out drinking I have to listen to them bang on about us, everything they do has to be refered back to us at some point in the conversation. There's only one mob of supporters that are genuinely obsessed, it isn't us for sure.
  17. There's too many in their 'faithful and true' band for them to make a stand. I'd like to think we'd more than kick up a fuss about something like this. Is totally bang out of order and Lee Power knows it. To blame police is ridiculous, if it was just to cover police and staff I doubt it would come to more than £5. Unless of course he adds his food tab to match day costs, that might be the reason they are charging £25. Hidious football club.
  18. Agreed. I'm happy to slag them off most the time but fair play to them for joining in the boycott. There looks like some seriously low crowds around tonight. Top work all round. Was funny to see the bloke running checkatrades Twitter account have a meltdown today. Will still be funny to see that lot lose to a youth team mind
  19. Fact is, we only took around 400 less to Scunny for a dull cup tie than what they took to Southend. That will be the Southend game that was being built up in some quarters as grudge match and has been since Southend took the piss down Gloucester Road.
  20. So what your sarcastically trying to say is there might not have been any of those daft half and half scarves at Glanford Park tonight.......
  21. Neither, a nod to a question he once asked. "So, crates, what are they used for?"
  22. That Socrates chap seems like the sort of dunce who no matter how many times you told him how to do something he would still ask "how do I do that?".
  23. Despite on Wednesday, having 13,000 less than our attendance tomorrow they still win the contest for having the most toes and fingers.....
  24. To be fair, you might knock that new tent but it does look like its full of their imaginary Facebook friends.
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