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Red Skin

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Everything posted by Red Skin

  1. I don't think playing Weiman, Martin and Wells in a supposed 3-5-2 can work, especially with Bakinson in there. (Though I like him). Leaves the defence too vulnerable.
  2. Great to hear. Glad he has such a good day. Can you bring him every week??
  3. No. I do struggle with colours but that particular shade of green I could differentiate from red. Other shades are harder for me. Take the OPs point, though. Absolutely no need.
  4. Really great to hear this. Very lucky to have someone like Tinman who cares so much about the club and young players in this role. Future DoF in the making.
  5. Doesn't even rhyme! ? Against Modern Poetry! ?
  6. I've always liked Callum in spite of his performances!! Really think he could be a player but he does need to show it as he's not a kid any more. If you look back at some of the YouTube videos of his performances for Oxford you'll see what his natural game actually is - a very direct skilful winger. I truly believe the lad has been completely bamboozled by being overcoached by successive managers (we all know the chief culprit) and his willingness to comply and do what's been asked ultimately hasn't helped his game progress. NP is different. He admits himself that he isn't a tactical mastermind, but what is doing is building an environment where players feel trusted to play their own game and take responsibility for their own performances rather than just do as they are told. (I know what kind of environment I would perform best in). If he can stay fit I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bobby Reid type of transformation that will win over the doubters.
  7. Good to hear. Any academy player that makes the grade as a professional reflects well on the club and improves our chances of recruiting new talent. Well done Jo Jo.
  8. What's the difference? Can you elaborate? Does safe standing differ from rail seating in that you cannot convert to seats? It only can allow standing? ? I'd love to be standing again, but given I sit with a bunch of mates the whole relocating en mass would be a pain.
  9. If he does confirm that, then hopefully people on here will be a bit more understanding.
  10. Funnily enough I have as thinking of posting about the 'singing section'. I think they should do away with it. Much better when these fans were spread out amongst all the stands. Far more likely get others to join in. As for the OP's question there have been innumerable interviews with players and managers that have said what a positive impact the crowd can have.
  11. Good luck to the guy. I thought he was a fantastic talent but whatever reason - style of football in the championship, managerial tactics - never really got a chance to establish himself. To be filed away with Vilmos Seebok for me. Really disappointed we never got the best out of him. Adam strikes me as a man of integrity. It's obvious his family has never settled here and that's been especially tough during covid. I don't bear him any animosity in asking to leave. He's doing so when his stock is high after the euros and we may still get a decent fee. All the best Adam.
  12. Is going to Andy Rolls the definition of 'running towards adversity'? Love this thread btw. ?
  13. Is that what you meant to type? Or do I just not understand a ******* word anyone under 25 says anymore? ?
  14. Someone took the flame grilled a bit too far.
  15. I do see the needs to build, but surprised how many are so ready to see him leave. How many threads on here lately bemoaning selling our best players? Sure he lacks composure when in on goal, but he's quick, strong, makes good runs, has good awareness of players around him, can play off both feet. I'd keep him. Personally, I think he lacks a bit of confidence. If he had a bit more arrogance about him he'd soon start smashing them in.
  16. I'll be gutted if he leaves. He offered about the only bit of excitement in games this year.
  17. Great professional and real warrior. All the best to you and your family, Sol. ?
  18. I'm amazed how these professional players fall for these get rich quick schemes their team mates lure them into. If the returns seem too good to be true that's because they are! And where are all their agents and advisers when they need them? Can only be driven by greed or desperation.
  19. With Kodjia and Abraham playing against McFadzean we'll get either a penalty or McFadzean sent off, or both. I really wouldn't like to be him.
  20. I did like Scott Davidson, but just saying I want to win a cup or get into Europe are aspirations not a strategy to make it happen. That's a bit like Greg Dyke saying England should aim to win the World Cup in 2022. St George aside he has no power or influence over the Premiership clubs to develop and nurture English talent to make it happen. Interestingly, the clubs that are doing most to develop English players are the likes of Tottenham & Southampton. Southampton has always developed talent. After their disastrous spending spree off the back of Bale's money Spurs seem to have taken of different tact. Young progressive manager that is nurturing and developing talent from within and buying promising talent like Dele Alli from outside the club. Sounds like a plan to me.
  21. Apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere but how many City are there? Great support judging by noise on RB.
  22. Quality on his day. I felt he always got more stick than he deserved when he didn't play well. And don't most wingers blow a bit hot and cold? One of the few wingers we've had in recent years that could cross a ball - remember the run and cross for Thorpe against the Gas? Might be one that Johnson could work his magic on, but he's probably burned his bridges at City. Poorly advised and unlucky with his injury. Shame, a real waste of talent.
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