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Son of Fred

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Everything posted by Son of Fred

  1. Gott in himmel!!..offizer,das ist die Frau mein kuchen-diebstahls!!
  2. Casting maybe for the remake of Worzel Gummidge ???
  3. Or if the artiste' were to scorch a 'Tudor rose' on the wall....
  4. Just don't 'employ 'ees services-by his own admission he up's the price if he thinks your 'City'!
  5. Someone tell him the 'new ones shrink in the dryer...
  6. Supported by 'Atilla the Stockbroker' ........
  7. Did you spot the positioning of that "Like" from 'Henbury Gas'..?? Running true to form!!
  8. Hopefully not considering the long jump!
  9. Enough to put you off Asdal for life!
  10. Have we a 'shot on target yet?? There's a part of me that would be tremendously proud if we could extend that to 270 minutes of football..
  11. Porridge with a handful of sultanas,rounded off with a drizzle of maple syrup-aaah!
  12. Please,have one for me !!...I'm working 'till stupid 'o clock-could be a handy distraction!
  13. He's the one wot dunnit!.........Jenny Lee Wright 'comes to mind.....
  14. Is that 'Jon Pertwee stood at the rear in the doorway ???.....
  15. According to very recent teachings(his very own 'happy clapping topic;gaschat)of the "honorable" 'henbury gas,reads that because Wally has a number of Jordanian bankers as 'friends on his Facebook that investment must surely be only a nod & wink away??!!...ff sake. Either henbury gas is a truly great comic poster or has completely lost even 'ees own tenuous grip of reality-cant decide which.
  16. A little 'later & I'm sure they could have squeezed in an ad on the Bayeux Tapestry.....
  17. Please please,that's disgusting....throw some wood on instead...
  18. That's quite rude you know....I think it's rather lovely..
  19. No no,that was me-Mrs Bruce went to Sainsbury & forgot the 'ed n shoulders .... . ... .
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