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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 22 hours ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    I really don't know what you lot are so unhappy about.

    The league tables as they stand tonight are just about perfect in our historical positions.

    It was always this way until we got a bit dodgy in 2001.

    You are struggling not to get into a relegation spot in the Championship, and we are struggling to get into a promotion slot in League 1.

    Just accept it. 

    You really are not Chelsea, and we are really not North Ferriby United.

    Truth of the matter is Fleabag you've spent more time in the conference than the championship since 2001. Judging that your poxy club still uses sheet covers when it gets a little cold (and couldn't find any fans to help take them off, har har har) just shows you might be a 3rd tier club on paper, but you still act like the non league, semi pro shite that you were just a couple of years ago. 

    Now don't forget to colour in those special little blue and white quatered whiteboards..Also I hope you didn't have an open top bus parade for selling out Chernobyls junksite on boxing day, we know you'd never turn up. 

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  2. The commentator said that there's two contrasting styles between us and Huddersfield, is that the game we're trying to play here? Hoof it long and attempt to pick up the scraps? Where's the patterns of play? Movement on and off the ball. I'm 99% sure this isn't LJ's footballing philosophy so something isn't quite adding up. I'm sure we'll have a different formation on Tuesday and new players in new positions and so continues this really odd season for us. 

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