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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. Sidwell their new hero? Another player that's never kicked a ball for them yet deemed a "legend" just like Windass.
  2. Yet in the year 1982 we averaged a higher home attendance than them. #gaslogic kicking in again.
  3. Just the 19,000 there. If only we could give out free tickets and barely muster a 10k crowd. Why do they bother? They're on the verge of a potential 3rd promotion in a row yet they still can't sell out a capacity of 5 white seats, a tent and a gazebo.
  4. Yet annoyingly the 2015ers have a decent play off record. That's something they have over us, I guess.
  5. Can't polish a turd, they can be unbeaten until May for all I care they'll still be ragbag rovers, tents gazebo's n all.
  6. Tents absorb noise. The only logical explanation.
  7. Game ended about 15 minutes ago and the first thing you do is go on your rivals forum to brag Since you're on here quick question, why didn't you sell out when your club was giving away free tickets?
  8. I remember seeing lots of 15ers laugh at out 21,500 attendance against Blackburn, thinking we should sell out because we had a ticket discount. What's their excuse?
  9. Surely not as irked as you are that he's worth about a packet of crisps?
  10. I did enjoy the fact The Guardian made it very clear that Dwayne Sports LTD Franchise are stuck in our shadow.
  11. Jesus, he makes David Beckham look like a shy, insecure man. What a media whore.
  12. Speaking of losing your identity, any more news on your south gloucestershire bowl? Is your foriegn owner coughing up the cash yet?
  13. At least the blue few have rivals for some of the most pathetic delirious fans in the football league
  14. @SirColinOfMansfield is good at this stuff
  15. Happy anniversary Sad Sacks The last time the deranged horse hitters were above us Joe Bryan was 7 years old.
  16. Jesus wept. I hope the next 7 pages is just him getting stick.
  17. How many times they've ground hopped I believe.
  18. I see Pompey fan Weasel already knows that comment would be laughed at on "one turd" What is it with the deranged horse hitters and excrement?
  19. I know we mock R*vers support but massive respect to them for forking out an average of 4000 fans in their last season in their old 100 year old ground. Such a fantastic send off.
  20. I know you're trying to take the piss because we have more "posher" facilities than some gazebo, tent, white plastic chairs and 2 portoloos with shit and piss stains all over them but aren't you and your fellow horse hitters desperate for a move to South Gloucestershire to try and get rid of the Ragbag Rovers tag? Slightly hypocritical, no?
  21. They haven't even averaged 8500 at home for 40+ years.. http://european-football-statistics.co.uk/attnclub/brir.htm The last time they were in our league they couldn't average 6,000.. surely a record low for a second tier club?
  22. Hate to think what they're saying about their own poor away following considering we have a much higher average attendance this season than they do..
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