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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. Considering the blue few are only 8 points off the relegation zone Seventeen must be worried.
  2. Must be the year 2017, celebrating a whopping 2 years as a football league club.
  3. Couple of million? More gas lies. List the players we bought that equated to us spending a "couple of million".
  4. Well I think we all know you have a fantastic way of making the opposition go down to men and getting about 55 penalties a game. Kudos for that.
  5. So the media whore Daddys boy isn't a billionaire? I am shocked to my very core.
  6. I see the worlds greatest football team are having a great time tonight.
  7. Anyone seen this? Typical mouthy gas gets put in her place.
  8. But of course when we beat Scunthorpe and they got thumped by them "it don't meen anyfin shited"
  9. Probably. Since Colin Daniels goal they've been given a couple of seasons of pure luck. Hopefully it runs out soon
  10. They're going up again, just accept it and move on.
  11. I don't know what it's like to change the colour of our kit and lose our identity just for ONE season in the premiership. Tell me, what's that like?
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