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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 1 hour ago, Seventeen said:

    Didn't you almost get relegated from the god awful division and then resorted to spending a couple of million to get out of it?



    Couple of million? More gas lies. List the players we bought that equated to us spending a "couple of million".

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  2. 8 minutes ago, S_Y_G said:

    What do any of you know about the rovers team standard, you don't go, maybe you see the odd Highlight on TV.   It's like me commenting on city, all I know is your doing pretty well and have a loaner striker who scores for fun.  If we go up we deserve it, if your in the prem next season you deserve it.         The only think for certain is that DC is a fantastic manager, motivationally, tactically, maybe Johnson is as well but it's too early for you to make the call.    I think it's great that players that were conference standard have improved so much on a technical level, it's gives hope to anyone in sport that if your coaching is good enough then you can advance quickly and its great for the game that it's not only splashing crazy cash that gets results, ie Leicester.  M Taylor is the prime example looked like an ave conf player, in 2 seasons he's become a Marcus Stewart clone, due to Marcus Stewart coaching.     


    On a separate note nice to hear Gerry gows relative on the radio earlier, really touched by the thoughts made ref Gerry by Bristolians

    That's it... Jager need.

    Well I think we all know you have a fantastic way of making the opposition go down to men and getting about 55 penalties a game. Kudos for that.

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  3. 56 minutes ago, alexukhc said:

    I've had it all in my ear from sags saying "we kept a clean sheet against Cardiff, we beat them in the cup this year, we must be better than you" like please fork off

    But of course when we beat Scunthorpe and they got thumped by them "it don't meen anyfin shited"

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