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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 10 hours ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    Apparently the UWE build starts in March. No idea if it's true or not, but I thought some of you photographers might want to record the event, and  you might need some notice to book a day or two off.


    Considering the land is outside of Bristol I doubt anyone can be bothered..

  2. 1 hour ago, Port Said Red said:

    Do they have a competition to see who can get the most inaccuracies into a single post? 

    No one has blamed them for the fighting. Some of the rugby fans thought it was football supporters but were soon put right, it was something to do with pissed up squaddies on a stag night. probably nothing to do with either football or Rugby.

    Who is receiving free tickets? Maybe some community projects or possibly through players etc, nothing unusual there and probably no more than a couple of hundred tops, I imagine they give away a similar number in similar circumstances.

    There are very few games where the top ticket prices are as high as £42 and even then it would only be for those who were very much last minute punters, not "the most loyal". 

    I see another of the incredible sad posts in that thread saying they wont attend a home game for the rugby anymore, how twisted and bitter can you get? How many City/Rugby fans refused to go to the Mem? Not many I would imagine.


    Think this sign needs to put around the Gate to ensure no other elements of the great unwashed enter our fine stadium.


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