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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. That's something a bitter sag would say...
  2. Could buy the Al Qadi's business with a quarter of Jimmys money.
  3. Did BRFC Sag deactivate himself? Not surprised. Probably the biggest nibble in this thread so far. Shame it got to him, rather take out on us than a poor horse I guess.
  4. Guess it's better than hob-nobbing with the likes of Bath and Braintree, and losing to them both too.
  5. Funny you say that, I've seen many comments on twitter from other fans (not even local clubs) who have the same opinion as we do about your "club". What's with the blue fews obsession with being liked anyway? Does it make you feel special? Do you stand in your piss stained, shit smelling falling apart tent reminiscing about the time Dave from work says prefers Rovers over City?
  6. Massive nibble there. You are a truly loved football club though, when you got relegated to a semi professional league in your own kit it was reminiscing to JFK being shot. The whole world mourned.
  7. More hilarity in Chernobyls nuclear testing site.
  8. What's happening again? Don't tell me you scabbed a lucky win against Port Vale inside Chernobyl you're coming for us. I'd worry a bit more about Forest Green if I were you, got to overtake then first.
  9. Sorry to interrupt but didn't you say our squad is not championship quality just a week ago? That will be 71% crap on this forum then.
  10. To be fair being hated by Swindle is like being hated by the kid at school who is fat, spotty, has bad BO and has an STD.
  11. His prize is a coloured in whiteboard..
  12. 307 is too big of a number. It'll be going down soon. I'm sure their massive away following to Swindon is magically up to 500 now..
  13. Yeah if he was any good he would of left you for nothing.
  14. Careful the Pompey/sag fan will post another video of a game we played in 2008
  15. Why you on here when your team(s) just won Weasel? Did you travel up with the other 400 loyal and prowed sags?
  16. Every cloud, Swindle now in relegation zone. edit: Ahh no they ain't but it's nice to see them struggling.
  17. Can you imagine the hysterical scenes from the blue few if we took 400 fans to a game that's 45 minutes away, boycott or not?
  18. Maybe they have the Mansfield game inside the Grotto on constant replay?
  19. Was more than 209, do they ever get attendance numbers right? Looks like the tent dwellers need to focus on their own away attendances unable to sell out their allocation of 900 for Swindon http://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/article/2016-17/swindon-town-tickets-on-sale-until-11am-tuesday-3315393.aspx
  20. saw that, about 3 of them prowedly went then I see. Surely they achieved a higher number than our criticised 900 away following on a Tuesday night a few years ago?
  21. Pure comedy gold, thanks fellas. You can see why he was so ashamed to admit he was a sag when he first came on here
  22. Can you copy what Weaselbe is saying about his massive club? Would love to read
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