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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 4 minutes ago, Griffin said:

    Half of Kodjias value could buy the entire Bristol Rovers FC and pay their debts off couldn't it? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    Could buy the Al Qadi's business with a quarter of Jimmys money.

  2. 2 minutes ago, BRFC_Gas said:

    How long has it taken Lansdown to get that far? 

    All that and yet you still cant get into the Premiership and wont for a long time, instead you are hob-nobbing with the likes of Burton and Rotherham.

    You are not as good as you think you are...nowhere near it.

    Guess it's better than hob-nobbing with the likes of Bath and Braintree, and losing to them both too.

    • Like 6
  3. 3 hours ago, st andrews gas said:

    So...we get penalties. More than any other team...suspect not. Do we have any 'real' money, any more than you lot? I care not. I guess the only real thing I actually laugh at on here is how some of your fans, and again I say some...like to say that fans of clubs like Swindon, Cardiff, Plymouth say they hate us more than you lot- complete utter joke talking to fans of those clubs over many years in my experience. But then this 'gas logic' thing you harp on about is , of course for your own amusement...as your very being is for ours,I like it this way..

    Funny you say that, I've seen many comments on twitter from other fans (not even local clubs) who have the same opinion as we do about your "club".

    What's with the blue fews obsession with being liked anyway? Does it make you feel special? Do you stand in your piss stained, shit smelling falling apart tent reminiscing about the time Dave from work says prefers Rovers over City?

    • Like 2
  4. 25 minutes ago, BRFC_Gas said:

    Maybe, just maybe, opposition fans hate you more as you are a bunch of deluded *******?

    Massive nibble there.

    You are a truly loved football club though, when you got relegated to a semi professional league in your own kit it was reminiscing to JFK being shot. The whole world mourned.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    To answer a few concerns about our bribing of referees, can I quote the deluded forum?

    "Since the Torquay home game on New Year's Day 2015,we went over 21 months without being awarded a penalty in a home league match (Walsall 13/9/2016) both dodgy ones mind you.Now had 2 in the last 11 days!"

    So it's not all luck then.

    Early days, but one point off the playoffs.

    You must be horrified at the thought we might be coming for you.

    Crap striker, crap manager, crap owner, crap fans. How is this happening?


    What's happening again? Don't tell me you scabbed a lucky win against Port Vale inside Chernobyl you're coming for us. I'd worry a bit more about Forest Green if I were you, got to overtake then first.


  6. 24 minutes ago, longyears said:

    Glad to see sanity is still around. Most on this forum  is even more rubbish than I used to post as rod12 years ago ! Hope you are well robin and still able to ignore the 70% c**p which fills up most topics !

    Sorry to interrupt but didn't you say our squad is not championship quality just a week ago? That will be 71% crap on this forum then.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Griffin said:

    As @Ian M has previously said, since this thread was started.. I'll try and break it down for you as I know you're a bit daft.. if you were in a pub with your friend talking for 60 minutes, this thread would take up 2 minutes of that. Along with the fact a large portion of the posts are from rovers fans as well, so cut that down more.

    Additionally, 95% of this thread is literally laughing at you, and your embarrassing antics that you keep providing. So really, we talk about you for a few seconds, excluding laughing at you, how very obsessed we are!

    Unlike your forum, where every thread that actually gets past one page will be guaranteed to mention us. #gaslogic #ticktock

    And that's about as rare as an eclipse :laugh:

  8. 12 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Interesting to see that over a week later Gasheads are still plucking imaginary totals out of the sky for our away following at Hillsborough.

    307 is a new figure as far as I'm aware, they "GOTA" beat it. Not sure why they've got to beat it? it wouldn't prove anything, it's not like ST sales or average attendances. Presumably tiny 'victories' like this are the only thing that prevents some of them from shitting themselves with rage every day, remember how many of them were spanking the monkey after their 'invasion' of Nottingham last season? I almost pity them for feeling so inferior that it matters so much.

    Such a funny little club. 




    307 is too big of a number. It'll be going down soon.

    I'm sure their massive away following to Swindon is magically up to 500 now.. :whistle:

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Weezord said:

    Abraham's bailing you guys out a lot. Being a one-man team is not always plain sailing.

    Wish we weren't so reliant on our top scorer the past two seasons and so far this season.

    Still, at least he's actually ours.

    Yeah if he was any good he would of left you for nothing. 

    • Like 4
  10. 13 minutes ago, pommers1965 said:

    mocking our away following as their home gates start to go down

    Was more than 209, do they ever get attendance numbers right?


    Looks like the tent dwellers need to focus on their own away attendances unable to sell out their allocation of 900 for Swindon :laugh:



    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, cidercity1987 said:

    I see Bradford didnt even bother opening the away end today, such was the size of Rovers' support.

    :laugh: saw that, about 3 of them prowedly went then I see. Surely they achieved a higher number than our criticised 900 away following on a Tuesday night a few years ago?

  12. 14 minutes ago, Stortz said:
    "Sept 16, 2016 6:14:57 GMT eastongas likes this

    Post by Weeezord on Sept 16, 2016 6:14:57 GMT

    For. F***. Sake.

    I actually cant even be bothered to write down my moan.

    The one chance we get to recruit new fans. And we colour in a whiteboard.

    I cant see one, but surely a huge eye-catching banner with BRISTOL ROVERS FC (and student offers you cant turn down) is pre-requisite for this kind of day?
    Also, surely the manager shouldn't do that to dogs?"
    (I may have added the last line)



    13 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Just for you @Iron Man




    Pure comedy gold, thanks fellas. You can see why he was so ashamed to admit he was a sag when he first came on here :whistle:

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