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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. You can imagine some poor ***** colouring in the white board and sobbing to himself. I'm convinced they're just a figment of our imagination to make City fans feel better about ourselves knowing we'll never scoop down to their tinpot level.
  2. Didn't you know? They had another boycott that weekend..
  3. Love to be there to ask a series of pressing questions. Like for example what motivated one of their fans to punch a horse after they lost a football match,
  4. As much as I'd love that to be true I don't think it was Dopey, he was a midfielder wasn't he?
  5. Can't believe people have only seen that interview now. A natural tosser at the perfect club.
  6. Said before the season I'd take a campaign where we are always comfortably away from the relegation zone, currently 5 points clear with 7 games gone.. doesn't mean it doesn't feel like Windass has blasted another 30 yarder against us but we go again. It's one game, if we would of won it wouldn't of made or broke our season, same as us losing.
  7. No, luckily "them lot" can't be described as a football club.
  8. They seem rattled by that Oxfords fans comment but I can't see what it says Amazed they didn't blame their low attendance on another boycott.
  9. Meanwhile over on twitter a lovely Gashead calls one of our ladies players a slut.
  10. The best thing about that interview is Lansdown smiling right back at him in that picture, que the jealous bitterness of Wally and the horsepunchers.
  11. Planned for 2017 when billionaire Wally realises that Gillingham are up for sale again.
  12. And then the likes of NeilS doesn't understand why we are constantly taking the piss out of them. It will always be about us. Their whole ambition as a football club is to one day be above us.
  13. Because he likes to get on his high horse, it probably makes him feel a bit special, whilst he's posting triple posts in a couple of miunutes and constantly bumping the page to the top.
  14. Just back, don't want to sound like big bollox but we were worlds apart from them in terms of footballing ability, the stats really said it all. The game had a stinking feeling to it knowing whenever they went forward they would score, and they did. Luckily this team has character and ability and got what we deserved. Could of easily won it to. I'd start Patterson next game, made a good impact.
  15. I see the greatest fans in the galaxy barely managed 8000 fans inside Chernobyl.
  16. I see no one congratulated you on your 500th post Prancin, 500 posts, on a Bristol City forum, when you're a Bristol Rovers fan. Nothing odd about that at all. Only second now to Miah in the long list of R*vers fans who use this forum. Hope your mob don't go down again so you go MIA for 2 years. Have fun at Chernobyl against Rochdale, massive game for you, relegation 6 pointer already.
  17. Another boycott by the blue few it seems.
  18. They'll probably try to boycott that too.
  19. So much so for the Swindle/horse punchers joining in together with anti City songs. I seem to remember the H*rsepunchers were lapping it up that a Swindle fan wrote a blog degrading us and complementing them. I guess that little love in has stopped now?
  20. Why are you still on here? UWE's dead now, you have nothing else to brag about.
  21. Is trashcan the new name for The Chernobyl Wasteland?
  22. I see every week they're slipping closer and closer into obscurity.. Oh and sorry bs16 for bumping this thread up to the top again.
  23. Yes, that's what normally happens when you post on a thread, it goes to the top. Just like this comment will make this pointless thread go to the top. Why don't you just ignore it? There's many threads on here that I didn't like have or no interest in but you know what I did? Ignored them.
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