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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 9 minutes ago, Dark Wood Covert said:


    He hasn't been seen since I gave him some actual facts about their home attendances this season... that was a chap called St. Andrews Gas

    Not sure about the other one but take your pick, the majority of Gas lags seem to lie about home and away attendances.

    Also pretty sure that the official Gas twitter account had took a dig at City for taking 100 more to Nottingham for their 'invasion game'. You know the invasion games we took 5000 to MK and then 4000 to Fulham... they took a massive 1200 and wasn't even the biggest away attendance in L2 that weekend

    Didn't you know? They had another boycott that weekend..

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Super said:



    11:00 15th September 2016

    Bristol Rovers will be hosting a stall at the University of the West of England's Freshers Fair tomorrow [Friday 16th September].

    After a successful appearance at last year's fair, the club will again be present to try and attract more fans to the Memorial Stadium.

    Students will have the chance to ask questions about the club, join the Supporters Club and find out more about special student offers.

    Rovers are offering UWE students the chance to watch local football while they are away from home as well as a opportunity to win tickets to future games.

    The fair takes place next Friday [16th September] between 11am and 4pm.


    Love to be there to ask a series of pressing questions.

    Like for example what motivated one of their fans to punch a horse after they lost a football match,

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Monkeh said:


    i see they are blaming Saturday's low attendance of the tour of britain

    surely the loyalist most passionate fans in the country wouldn't miss a game for the cycling?

    They seem rattled by that Oxfords fans comment but I can't see what it says :laugh: 

    Amazed they didn't blame their low attendance on another boycott.

    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, Fiale said:


    Got a nice text from my Rovers supporting Uncle that they have started building their ground. Seemed a bit odd there was no news story asked him where he saw it and... it's a thread about some work making a car park at UWE that may or may not be on behalf of Rovers (no one seems sure). Was funny reading the thread, started out about UWE within a few post pretty much all about us :clapping: 


    Cover you eyes people, just a couple of gems...








    And then the likes of NeilS doesn't understand why we are constantly taking the piss out of them.

    It will always be about us. Their whole ambition as a football club is to one day be above us.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Loon plage said:

    Why not ignore this thread ?

    Because he likes to get on his high horse, it probably makes him feel a bit special, whilst he's posting triple posts in a couple of miunutes and constantly bumping the page to the top.

  6. Just back, don't want to sound like big bollox but we were worlds apart from them in terms of footballing ability, the stats really said it all. The game had a stinking feeling to it knowing whenever they went forward they would score, and they did. Luckily this team has character and ability and got what we deserved. Could of easily won it to.

    I'd start Patterson next game, made a good impact.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, DancinDannyD said:

    So as I see it, you're all in agreement:

    Rovers are clueless, tinpot, the owner is an unprofessional buffoon stringing the fans along and hasn't got 2 brass farthings to rub together, there's never going to be a new stadium or training complex, the fans are all muppets, forever in your shadow, no longer rivals, you don't even care about them any more...

    I think we get the point. It's preaching to the converted isn't it? I mean, you all think it, and you all know it to be true.  Yet you all still have to keep saying it over and over and reaffirming it to yourselves every day. 

    Why? Things are going well for City right now, Europa League on the near horizon according to your manager, if we're no longer rivals why not just take a chill pill and not get yourselves into such a lather every day? Why the obsession? Really, why? We are nothing to you.  Move on.

    Have a good weekend all! 

    And I'll see any Rovers fans that use the forum (both long standing and newbies? at the Mem tomorrow? 

    Take care everyone, enjoy the weekend :-)

    I see no one congratulated you on your 500th post Prancin, 500 posts, on a Bristol City forum, when you're a Bristol Rovers fan. Nothing odd about that at all.

    Only second now to Miah in the long list of R*vers fans who use this forum. Hope your mob don't go down again so you go MIA for 2 years.

    Have fun at Chernobyl against Rochdale, massive game for you, relegation 6 pointer already. :shutup:

    • Like 1

    2 hours ago, DancinDannyD said:

    Ah the footballing Gods have blessed us for so long hey?

    And that's a huge generalisation re: the supporters - that's like me suggesting all City fans are Harvester Family pub destroying, wife-beating, war memorial desecrating thugs.  That's certainly true of a minority of your supporters but I wouldn't tar you all with the same brush... ;-)

    Why are you still on here? UWE's dead now, you have nothing else to brag about.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes, that's what normally happens when you post on a thread, it goes to the top. Just like this comment will make this pointless thread go to the top. :grr:

    Why don't you just ignore it? There's many threads on here that I didn't like have or no interest in but you know what I did? Ignored them.

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