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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 3 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    To be fair to swindle their club is in a bigger mess then the gas

    maybe they could merge with the blue few playing in swindle 

    I'm glad we put Swindle in a downward spiral stopping them from going up, their club has never recovered since then.

    • Like 6
  2. Am I right in saying the Swindle game was the only one abandoned in the football league? Says everything you need to know about the state of that football club.

    Watching the football league show their ground looks emptier than ever, had a quick look at one of their attendances and they're barely getting 6000..

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Selred said:

    I would boycott the EFL trophy as well if we were in it. It's become a joke with the under 21s now in it. Can't knock them for this unfortunately. 

    What do you think they would say if we decided to boycott a home game? Best fans in the world thick and thin blah blah blah.

  4. What a great day, City beat one of the championships hardest clubs in a Ashton Gate capacity of over 20,000.

    Meanwhile, our bottom feeding friends head off to Swindon, unable to sell out their allocation, start a few scuffles, get rained on all day then realise they went through all that trouble to then see the game abandoned.


    • Like 8
  5. Is the "embarrassed to be a saghead who lied about the football club he supports" knobber back again?

    Apart from the other questions City fans have asked you Weasel why have Gasheads boycotted home games for 100+ years? Any idea?


  6. 2 minutes ago, st andrews gas said:

    'what belter'...I can't spell 'per cent' and you cannot use articles correctly (a,the.an) in case you don't know what they are...'stolen dump'...the dump bit fair enough..stolen? No, bought my 'friend'... and it's our dump...




























    Incorrect, it's Bristol Rugbys dump which your club stole.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, st andrews gas said:


    Typical City fan spin...4k is all we were given, and no, we wouldn't have taken 14,000 had we  the tickets...'struggling to sell out'- another ridiculous statement...we can and will sell 90 per cant of our capacity for every home game...you, in your shiny 'new' stadium will not.....



    What's ridiculous S A G? You're struggling to sell out a game that's about 40 minutes away. This is a stone cold fact. http://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/article/2016-17/swindon-tickets-on-sale-until-11am-friday-3269784.aspx 

    Always helps when you will have a "90 per cant" capacity when your capacity is about 5 white plastic chairs and one Chernobyl nuclear testing stand that holds 20 people.

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