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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 4 minutes ago, Aipearcey said:

    We took 70 to our match, which the club seems happy to publicise. We should look at our own support before mocking them lot 

    Bit of perspective needed :laugh: a game 4 hours away on a Tuesday night in the league cup. Plus Radio Bristol said the attendance was closer to 150.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    A few of them in the away end yesterday apparently, funny really....you'd have thought if they were going to watch a football match they'd go to Southend and support their own team.

    Plastic *****, either that or just desperate for the experience of sitting in the away end at Ashton Gate. 

    No wonder why the away end at Southend looked empty on the telly :whistle::whistle:

  3. 19 hours ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    It's a virtual sellout tomorrow.  Oxford have taken their 1,200 and over 9,000 have been sold in advance. POTD will soak up the rest.  

    Darryl's strange new hairstyle is firmly gelled in place. Matty is wearing his lucky scoring pants.  And our stunning new Macron kit is ready for its League debut.


    A whopping 10,000 fans overall.. plus 1200 from Oxford.. for your first time in the league as a professional football club that's a poor showing.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Philgas said:


    Well that may be lots of other BRISTOL ROVERS fans but not i .. I am honestly hand on heart happy with how things are going .. easy to please may be but who gives a toss ?? Not me 

    Considering your nearing 400 posts on this thread I think you do give a toss.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, Kim_il_sung said:

    Heres some comedy gold from facebook in case anybody requires any bed time reading. They all have their tails up tonight. Bless. Night all.


    " Yeah and Rovers just got bought out by the Al Qadis, which have made Rovers more financially stable then they have been in years, plus Rovers are planning on building a new stadium. Attract quality players, like Dwight Gayle you mean? You tried to splash the cash but he didn't want to come. Mainly the players you had splashed the cash on have been rejects of their former clubs, Brownhill, O'Neil, Tomlin, Challis, Lyons-Foster, Omofe, Lucic and Magnusson. O'Dowda's the only real decent signing you've picked up, proven ability to attract quality players, what a joke!"

    . We're not going to buy the league, we're buying to cement our place in League 1, look how well we played against Scunthorpe, granted we were sloppy with possession but when we had the ball they could hardly handle us, we were unlucky to lose, and this is one of the best teams in League 1. I'd rather have a great team and cement our place in the league with great signings and not spend so much rather than spend a ton on a bunch of rejects who you only think are good because of the club they used to play for.  

    It was only 2 seasons ago but thanks to consecutive promotions we're on the rise again. Oh ok u must of forgot about them billionaire Jordanians that bought us then? Fair doo's. U must be tired go to bed


    Funny that, they couldn't of looked any worse on telly if they tried, awful stadium which was nearly 3/4 empty, dire football, plus there was more atmosphere on the moon. Some people are easily pleased though.

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