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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. Couldn't they just do the draw like ******* normal? But it tells us one thing, the sags support is dire (shock) and they can never call AG a library again.
  2. And it shows the blue few will do nothing in league 1
  3. They use their white plastic chairs to great use, you have to admit.
  4. The place is empty.. Hahaha amazing support as per.
  5. You, of course. Even if there was no incentive for us I'd still want Cardiff to win. Will you put out a strong team though?
  6. Yep making up rumours that their players were taking drugs. Disgusting fans.
  7. Bristol Rovers- Pathological liars. Wouldn't read anything that the horse punchers say.
  8. Please everyone like Burts comments as it gets right up the sags noses
  9. It'll never be as bad as averaging 3000 fans in your last year of your spiritual home. What a send off.
  10. Your billionaire sugar daddy is more interested in buying Facebook likes Han anything to do with rovers.
  11. I assume you won't be gloating about uwe Like you were last time Danny?
  12. Burt has the sags on strings. Amazing.
  13. The sags have just more than 2,000 season tickets sold than they have "likes" from Indonesian fans.. They are reaching new heights of hilarity now.
  14. Amazing, they've spent more money on facebook "likes" than football players this transfer window. Surely a new low for the minnows?
  15. After their "More like than dem gert shitheds" trophy the G*s are planning an open top bus tour.. Lets hope it goes better than their last one
  16. Forgot about their world class turn out of 7400 fans for Wallys first game as owner, incredible support. He must feel robbed with all the money who's put in to the clu.. wait, never mind.
  17. I wonder if someone will tell him..? Anyway, speaking of attendances.. promoted twice, making history according to their manager, the club on a massive high, billionaire trillionaire owner.. only took 900 fans to Scunthorpe..
  18. Wish they'd listen to me saying their team are full of glorified conference players.. Long may it continue #FTG
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