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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 1 hour ago, DancinDannyD said:

    All relative isn't it? You were gloating about the World Cup ready AV!  Things change - you're lucky your sugardaddy was able to personally finance the impressive AG renovation.  In the meantime I'm hoping that we get some positive news about a new stadium soon.  But I'll only believe it when I'm sat in it, not holding my breath.   I know Wael doesn't have the wealth of Landsown so we don't have the lucky fortune that you do of a mega-rich fan bankrolling the club. In the meantime I've enjoyed our (relative) success from where we were 2 years ago given we could have done a Stockport. 

    Your billionaire sugar daddy is more interested in buying Facebook likes Han anything to do with rovers. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Gasheads really, really should steer clear of the subject of attendances.

    40 years since they averaged over 10k in the league. They can't even regularly fill the smaller grounds of Twerton and the Mem. 

    28k for a Play Off Final at Wembley the same year we took 42k for a JPT final.

    We beat them on away support every year.

    To top it off, the day after their takeover was announced and it became clear that they were now one of the biggest, richest clubs in the whole World they managed a meagre 7400 at home to welcome their new owner who had clearly  saved their club from financial disaster.


    ...and this dopey Sag thinks that SL must feel robbed?

    I love it when they bring up attendances. :rofl2br:


    Forgot about their world class turn out of 7400 fans for Wallys first game as owner, incredible support. He must feel robbed with all the money who's put in to the clu.. wait, never mind.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

    You can't beat a Rovers fan trying to mock City about attendances!  The irony of it is rediculous!  


    I wonder if someone will tell him..?

    Anyway, speaking of attendances.. promoted twice, making history according to their manager, the club on a massive high, billionaire trillionaire owner.. only took 900 fans to Scunthorpe..

  4. 33 minutes ago, BobbyC said:

    It's dawned on them.


    Just got back. If it's true Wael got no money to sign players we are in trouble. It's not the defence it's the midfield and attack where we are weak. Take away Taylor and we got nothing. Lines was his usual pretty boy self today. DC must be hopping mad he can't sign no one."

    Wish they'd listen to me saying their team are full of glorified conference players.. Long may it continue #FTG

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