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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. The world will get to see their new revamped Memorial Ground in all it's glory..
  2. Hilarious isn't it "TrowbridgeGas" HenburyGas".. Or "InbredsquattinghorsepunchingGas"
  3. Dodgy money, jordanian banks.. say no more..
  4. Anything to focus the attention from getting thumped by the might of Scunthorpe. Oh it's going to be great fun trying to watch their glorified conference players play in league 1.
  5. First half really poor, second half LJ made some fantastic tactical changings and broke a really rugged Wigan side. Big 3 points.. Now how did them squatters get on today?
  6. Well done. Now what's the Twitter following numbers? Instagram? Now try season ticket sales and attendances for the last 100 years ( or 1982 if you want)
  7. Struggling to take the piss, agreed, now they're in their brand new shiny bowl outside South Glou.. oh wait.. no, no they're not.
  8. The fact it's on their official site makes me think they are having problems with their tent-tart up. The hilarity continues.
  9. Wait.. Is that link a piss take at our situation?
  10. I think it's great he signed off saying **** the gas.
  11. You are well known for your sarcasm, here's another case of gasheads famous sarcasm.
  12. I think it's great Phils gone all Danny Dyer..Is that why you took karate lessons Philly?
  13. Didn't they go all the way to Spain in their billions just to watch their mob lose 3-0???
  14. IKEA took the tote end. That's all.
  15. Advocating violence against woman. Tut tut.
  16. To be fair your kit colours are the only thing you didn't steal, so kudos for that.
  17. The collar on your new shirts is bigger than your football club.
  18. Oh yeah and one for Philgas.. Here's our "restricted view"
  19. I wouldn't believe that Chimp bloke he's a well known bullshitter.
  20. Was a massive nausea fest about some tinpot Spanish club who they share similar kits with. Wally wanking on about how they're taking 8 trillion fans..
  21. I for one will relish the day they move to another County, wish they'd hurry up about it
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