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Posts posted by HoldenBall

  1. 1 hour ago, Betty Swallocks said:

    I think it's quite cute how most of them have 'gas' adjoined to their forum user name.

    Reminds me of how everything at McDondals has to be Mc-something.

    Hilarious isn't it "TrowbridgeGas" HenburyGas".. Or "InbredsquattinghorsepunchingGas"

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    This d1ck isn't bitter at all is he? Carry Wally up and down Glos Rd as much as you want it won't make him in put his money where his mouth is like Steve Lansdown has year after year.


    Dodgy money, jordanian banks.. say no more..

  3. 16 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    Bristol Rovers Facebook. Likes 100,335.

    Bristol City Facebook. Likes 99,301.

    The horse punching tent dwelling minnows are liked by more people than the one team in Bristol. 

    Well done. Now what's the Twitter following numbers? Instagram? Now try season ticket sales and attendances for the last 100 years ( or 1982 if you want)

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Henbury said:

    My girlfriend decided to wear a Bristol City top for a week to see the public reaction.

    Today was her first day, and she's already been spat on, swore at, punched in the face, kicked up the arse and received death threats.

    God knows how bad it will get when she finally leaves the house.


    Sorry Boys, it made i laugh

    Advocating violence against woman. Tut tut.

    • Like 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, RedM said:

    WARNING!!! I'm just watching the local news and in their. 'Coming up shortly' piece they showed a load of dirty Gasheads singing about their tart Irene. I've just had my tea, I feel sick. Hope this helps anyone else sat infront of their tv. Avoid Points West, switch it off now!!!

    Was a massive nausea fest about some tinpot Spanish club who they share similar kits with. Wally wanking on about how they're taking 8 trillion fans..

  6. 14 minutes ago, BS2 Red said:

    I would rather have two crappy tent stands because people want to watch Rovers than have open spaces where they stand because we've become a sh** Conference side that manages a 3000 crowd on a good day.

    The future is looking good for our club, I reckon the new stadium is going to happen, along with the training ground and facilities. Just imagine how brilliant it will feel sitting in the new stadium and comparing it with the Mem.

    Imagine the bile and spiteful, jealous hatred emanating from the open sewer sh**-house that it Ashton Gate.

    Can't wait. It will be so sweet


    I for one will relish the day they move to another County, wish they'd hurry up about it

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