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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. I have to say Phil I am enjoying your range of profile pictures. Which one will you have next?
  2. Apparently shook hands with Oxford before signing for the blue few.. not their week is it..
  3. You sure it wasn't Barber and his drunk Dad?
  4. Yes. It went something like grumble grumble franchise, grumble grumble Pantsdown, grumble grumble 1982
  5. I'm sure over on the deep dark web AKA slagchat they're discussing our new signing with great detail, just like they did with Tomlins.. I guess they have to discuss something. Watching "Luke James all goals" would only last about 15 seconds..
  6. Philgas is one of us now. You might need to help little weezord from time to time, he gets confused with what club he supports.
  7. Could help us move O'dowda on. Cheers Taylor.
  8. #ticktock still no cash signings from the richest man that has ever worked planet earth. I bet he wishes Gillingham didn't reject him now
  9. High praise indeed from someone who watches football matches in a shit stained piss smelling tent.
  10. I just looked up the word tinpot. I think it should be your motto Philly. Tinpot A crappy little Football club who have never achieved anything, have very few supporters and generally have a rubbish stadium.
  11. Agreed, your stadium is shite. I mean look at it.
  12. Weaselbe had to edit his comment. Thanks for the compliment though.
  13. Jose Fonte just today described playing in the memorial stadium in front of 8,000 fans as one of the lowest points in his career. But yeah, only in our eyes..
  14. Good little nibble there Weasel. Just imagine it, the second you get a half decent player he cannot wait to leave. Sucks to be a small tinpot club I guess.
  15. Well Luke James does need a partner..
  16. Don't forget the state of the art developments of the nabbed rugby ground. Really putting them on the European map.
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