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Gert Mare

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Posts posted by Gert Mare

  1. Did anyone realistically believe that we would be West Brom today? 

    Sacking the manager is not the answer.

    We’d be sacking them every week.

    Our problems have come from selling everyone with any value and previous regimes taking punts on replacements, Covid and FFP.

    We will pick up wins, but you wouldn’t expect us to be able to compete with teams who have just come down from the Premier League, especially as we have no strength in depth.


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  2. 3 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Funny you should mention a Wembley trip because the other year when they got quite close to the final it was strange how many of them suddenly decided that the competition wasn’t a complete car crash after all. They were making up all sorts of excuses about why they would definitely go to Wembley if they got to the final (most used excuse was that all U21 teams had been eliminated by that stage).

    I suppose when you’ve competed in a cup competition over 30 times and never won it whilst knowing that your closest rivals have taken part in half that and are the most successful club in the competitions history, you get desperate?


    Yes, I remember it. Didn’t they turn up for their ‘love-in’ bottom buddies from the North East, Sunderland?

    I’m surprised that they didn’t go ahead with their open top bus tour of Kingswood anyway, like they did for their massive achievement of finishing 2nd in non-league football.

    Being the most hypocritical bunch of melts on the planet they go from ‘boycotting’ to saying “Well this is different, it’s for the kids”……….Yes, that would be the over 50 bald headed tote end monkey spanking neanderthal kids then!


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  3. 2 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    I’m surprised “we got arr stay de ummm” didn’t get into their ‘greatest hits’.

    As our dear friend the bald-headed *** would say….

    ”What more do you want? I would say it’s a perfect time. Conference in 5 years. ‘ERE WE GO!” ?

  4. I was dating someone years ago and prior to me getting with her she told me that she had been intimately involved with a City player. 

    I was at her house one night and the City player phoned her but she said she was seeing someone else now. 

    Years later I was sat in work talking about it and mentioned the City player in question only for a work colleague to mention that he was her mum’s bloke and had been at the time he was knocking off the girl I was with.

    Needless to say my reminiscing went down like a shit sandwich ?

    • Haha 3
  5. On 29/09/2021 at 14:45, wendyredredrobin said:

    To be honest, does anyone know any of their players?

    Well, if you listen to the Gasheads I know, regardless of who currently plays for Rovers they'll reel off:-

    Frankie Prince, Smash and Grab, Paul Randall and Olly Olloway.

    When probed a little more they will mention Ricky Lambert because he scored 'that goal against the shit' and they all had a collective tug when he played for England.

    This team of about 6 geriatrics are managed by Gerry Francis.

    That's about it from the 'Stuck in the 70's Neanderthals'.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, readie14 said:

    Not sure if this has bern posted before, apologies if it has.



    15 hours ago, Red Shadow said:

    Um no not really. Apparently Trumpton is in Bristol...


    The undisputed champions of Tinpottedness. The Doncaster United blue glass trophy is on its way to Wally now.

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  7. Ok.  You’re DELUDED!



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    Tough game today and call me deluded but I just have a feeling we will sneak this one by the odd goal…. Don’t think it’ll be particularly pretty and at times it’ll be backs to the wall but just have a gut feeling we’ll do it…
    but I just have a feeling we will sneak this one by the odd goal…. Don’t think it’ll be particularly pretty and at times it’ll be backs to the wall but just have a gut feeling we’ll do it…
  8. 1 hour ago, In the Net said:

    I bow to your superior knowledge on this, I don't have in depth knowledge about our historic attendance figures.  For as long as I've been interested in football, I think you've usually had larger crowds, so it's not something I particularly focus on.

    Then you are very much in a minority. The majority of Gasheads are totally deluded when it comes to supporting the blue quarter(s) of Bristol.

    Faithful and True. Massive fan base. Big fish in a small pond. Take 40k (26k in actual figures) to Wembley.

    Massive away following - the envy of many clubs (all of which LOVE ROVERS and HATE THE SHIT by the way!)

    Most believe their 'perceived' massive fan base means that they are a big club who deserve to be in the Championship and at least one place higher than DA SHIT!

    Oh....and your comment about remembering the 1970's....Well, you are definitely a true Gashead then. You couldn't be a proper Gashead if you didn't reminisce about the Tote End, Smash 'n' Grab, Paul Randall and the famous bore fest penalty shoot out lottery win over Sheffield United in the Watney Cup. Being stuck somewhere between 1972-1978 in terms of memory defines your average Gashead.....with splashing of 2nd May and a bit of 1982. ?


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  9. 27 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Probably best not to immediately phone the boss and tell him/her to “stick their ******* job up their ass” Stephanie.

    She’d have won more on those little Horse Racing machines you find in Seaside arcades.

    No. As soon as she saw the horses she would have started punching the shit out of the machine, the alarm bells would have started going off and she'd have been thrown out, whilst remonstrating that it was the Ted's fault and playing the victim.

    • Haha 4
  10. I had a conversation last week with a few Sags. I decided to test out the Gas logic theory. I said that I thought that the problem with some Rovers and City supporters (mentioned us gurt Ted's as well as I didn't want them to immediately start a fight) think that the club is bigger than it actually is. I said that realistically City should find it difficult to stay in the Championship and that Rovers are where they should be.

    As soon as I mentioned Rovers level being League Two one of them mentioned that they could easily be in the Championship or pushing for the Championship because of their 'fanbase'. So I challenged the fan base theory and stated attendance facts and pointed out that they don't have a pot to piss in and that their ground is falling to bits with tents and is an eyesore and an embarrassment. Another Sag agreed with me that you can't measure the size of a club by its fanbase alone and also agreed that the Mem is a total shithole and that they don't have a pot to piss in. Fair play. However, he then ruined it all by stating that Rovers should at the very least be in League One. Totally delusional. Jaily's team of strangers are apparently a top 6 side in the division below where they should be by right. Cracking start then!

    Apparently their turn out at Mansfield was impressive. The toothless wonders had come out of their care homes for a nostalgic trip down Tote-End memory lane and by all accounts there was a bit of the old traditional 1970's style behaviour. It was probably all down to Mansfield being known to have a massive Ted following. Regardless of the result on the pitch, their family club shenanigans off the pitch were something to be 'prowed' of.

    They really do believe their fanbase is too big for League Two and that their away following is the envy of every club outside of the Premier League.

    Gas logic proven. Belters!

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  11. 4 hours ago, Red Army 75 said:

    It is astonishing. I read a thread were rovers fans were destroying him whilst he was Fleetwood manager. Every expletive if you could think of. Then he becomes there manager and he is seen as a god. Not by all I may add . The bloke needs serious help to control his anger. Has no place managing in football

    Asked about the latest incident from the Ragass Rovers messiah a spokesperson from the FTG Tote-Ender One Tooth 70's Aggro Supporters Club said "Yeah, dunno, fair play. Just get us a pre-season friendly against Sabadall (Sabadell) Joe, annit?"

  12. 13 hours ago, fgrsimon said:

    Astonishing Lansdown meltdown / Playing the victims from user 'gulfofaden' on GasChat

    Akin to terrorism mind!

    Lansdown hasn’t just been a benefactor to city, which he is entitled to do, but he’s also been antagonistic to Rovers on any occasion he can to win favour with his fan base including the Matt Taylor saga which given the fact we got the exact release fee (which was supposed to be confidential) is akin to terrorism in football terms.

    He’s also putting posters on the Glocs road, getting his sponsors to ridicule us through postal campaigns and trying very hard to get a club who for much of his life was a giant firm of bedminster hooligans who regularly smashed up our ground and attacked and threatened our players pegged as some “family club”. They have some normal fans of course but also a giant contingent on cocaine and cider addled specimens which dwarf, and have always dwarfed, ours, even pro rata.

    You think he couldn’t see all that victimisation and violence in the 80s and 90s? Was he blind? Of course he wasn’t my. That’s fine, he can still bankroll the club but to do so, and still pander to those guys and continually harrass and target us knowing full well the asymmetric history between us, is beneath contempt.

    It wasn’t 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. It was grown men targeting families and players in their own homes.

    If he had adopted the attitude of “City is my club,
    Good luck to Rovers but I hope we are always above them” then I would have all the time in the world for him.

    He didn’t, he, like a playground bully, has been sadistic and provocative in swinging his weight around, to a club he knows can’t really fight back.

    And the reason for this? The heinous crime which caused this ire?

    We used to beat them a lot, before. When we were in dire straights and on paper we shouldn’t have.

    That’s it. That’s what all this is about.



    Typical Sag. Projecting everything that is wrong with their fan base onto us.

    Does he forget their little video of the chap running over the Suspension Bridge, past Ashton Gate to get to the sister he impregnated in hospital to present her with a ‘Tesco Carrier Bag’ styled baby grow for their offspring before it has a chance to choose a proper club to support other than those desperate and deluded pikey squatters?

    In football it’s called Banter. It’s something that historically they were always quick to dish out, but could never take themselves. Instead, when the banter comes back they resort to playing the victim and attempt to take some moral high ground.

    You can see the green-eyed Sag monster as soon as he starts off, but ask him if he is a jealous Sag and he’s guaranteed to say ‘no’ and then blurt on about how he is only interested in his loyal, faithful and true family club before attacking the opposition players in the goal net because their team has been awarded a penalty.

    Absolute deluded weapon.

    Thanks for confirming what we already know about the average Sag supporter and the reason why this thread continues to prosper.

    The gift ? 


  13. 2 hours ago, Ska Junkie said:

    As Rob says, what would you get for £20M? Fark all as I see it. A shite, worthless playing squad, a stadium with charges against it up to it's value (so £0 then) and the name of a tatty little basement football club which is losing money hand over fist.

    £20M? Sounds a bargain! ?? ?

    Just like Bury, they will end up being sold for £1.

    The Mem will end up being turned into a housing estate and the Sags will have to reform on the downs with their 20-30 faithful and true watching from the pavements.....unless it is raining, then they won't be bothered and just stay in the pub getting hammered, reminiscing about their Tote-End days and telling stories of how they were loved all over the country. 

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  14. 3 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    See Joey has decided to overcome the goal scoring issues from last season with a new formation based entirely on season ticket sales.



    A 'massive' 3388.

    My god they are so ******* tinpot I don't know whether to laugh or cringe....or both!



  15. 18 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    They were absolutely RAGING around the time we beat Man Utd and played Man City. Our entire club including the support was getting admiring comments all over Social Media and they just couldn’t handle it.

    They were consumed with envy and rage at that time. You couldn't even mention City without being asked to put your pint down and sort it out in the pub carpark by the rabied tote enders, literally foaming at the jowls.

    It was around Christmas time and the pubs have those posters up advertising the Sky Sports schedule for December. I think Bristol City was being shown at least 3 times that month and they were absolutely off their nuts about it. Then the festive adverts were being shown for the upcoming matches and Bristol City were getting mentioned left right and centre and they started going on about how ******* sick to death they were of having to hear about 'Da Shit' all the time and how it was ruining their Christmas.

    I remember being told that it would all become better once City had been humiliated by Man United as they had totally written us off.

    I decided to watch the match in the pub as I couldn't get a ticket and as it was a massive Gas pub I was being taunted about turning up to witness da shit get butt ******.

    There were more than a few comments about the 'Snake' and how he was totally out of his depth.......until he set up Korey Smith.

    The fact that the Snake had contributed to City going through was the final straw and they started moaning about having to watch yet more of City over the Christmas period and I was told in no uncertain terms not to mention anything about City. Most of them downed their pints and ****** off because they couldn't bare to hear all of the positive post-match analysis and commentary. In fact, the landlord was told to switch over, so I had to catch up on it when I got home.




    • Haha 10
  16. 37 minutes ago, 22A said:

    In Northern Ireland FTP is used as an insult meaning #### the Pope. Does FTG mean the same thing regarding the gas?

    Could be? As Jaily said to the lap it up knuckle draggers the other week, “There’s a ******* church down there!”

  17. 15 hours ago, Ska Junkie said:

    More Bristolians outside the city boundaries than inside nowadays Rich. Given that's nigh on 1M people now, the gas must have at least 5 or 600? ;)


    BTW, I nipped in the barbers on Banjo Island, the gas 'heartland', today. A dad with 2 young uns already in there, all wearing our red.

    We're taking over everywhere, I tell you.

    You took the ‘Turk End’ then! ?

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