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Rudolf Hucker

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Everything posted by Rudolf Hucker

  1. Crikey it must be a slow news day ...
  2. Like us it seems that they're desperate to go anywhere but the Memorial Ground
  3. .. and that's why this matter is called the 'Higgs no son'
  4. It's actually the barcode for Sainsbury's own label tissues
  5. I used to love him when he was in the Goons with Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers.
  6. Isn't Dave's mum's brother's uncle her uncle too, Mole?
  7. This is a strange one to me. That someone who has vested so much of his life to RagAss is prepared to see them take out a Wonga styled loan to repay him his dues, with all of the associated risks, just doesn't ring true to me. I'm certain that Dunford hadn't put all of his wealth into the club, so why would he have allowed the club that he loves to put themselves into such a perilous position? Perhaps he knew the likely outcome of the Sainsbury's case was likely to go against them resulting in inevitable administration and the risk to his investment? I guess we'll know soon enough.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-33324808 Higgs trying to create intrigue? Makes me believe, as someone has posted earlier, he's already learned that the Sainsbury's verdict won't go in his favour and he's trying to put some upbeat story out to his many thousands of followers before they shortly get to learn the devastating truth that the contract wasn't watertight after all.
  9. Coincidentally, 15'er refers to both the minimum and maximum IQ level required to be a Ragass Rovers supporter.
  10. Oi, come on. That's Stan Drew you're talking to ...
  11. Don't know if the scarves are official but they all seem to be weighted at one end making them impossible to hold straight. Go back through the pictures and see what I mean.
  12. I have to say Monk that your conclusion is, like RagAss soon will be, completely groundless.
  13. Someone once told me to never ask a question to which you don't already know the answer.
  14. Is this new news? It's the first that I've heard about it - I understood that Barclays were unwilling to extend their facility to RagAss but didn't know that an existing loan had been called in. Neither have I heard of them not paying the milkman.
  15. If you do get compo, Miah is there any likelihood that it will be wisely spent for the benefit of the football club? Or will it be spent merely paying off the payday loan and the monies owed to the present board members? Can you see any tangible changes being made? Regardless of the outcome, I can imagine that there will be major changes to the board. A significant milestone will have been reached and new brooms will be needed either to take things forward or to clear up the mess.
  16. You don't get promoted in April. Oh hang on ...
  17. Bristolls? The educational standards of children these days ... #FairPlaySainsburys
  18. It's probably your fault for suggesting it to them. You are the mole, after all
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